TAITTIRIYA UPANISHAD – 79. Rishi Yajnavalkya.
Wednesday 05, March 2025, 12:45.
Taittiriya U11
Pertaining to the SELF-CREATION of Brahman there is a Shruti verse… panishad
Anuvaka 2.6
From Anandamaya to Atman
THE ANUPRASHNAS: (Vital Questions by the Disciple)
Mantram - 2.6.7: Announcing the Shruti Quotation on Self-Creation:
11 - tat api esha shloka bhavati… Pertaining to this, there is a mantram
11 -Pertaining to the SELF-CREATION of Brahman there is a Shruti mantram…
Anuvaka 2.7: Established in “Fearlessness”
The topic of “Proofs of Brahman’s Existence” continues . . . from Proof 4 to Proof 7.
4. Sukrita Prasiddheh Mantram - 2.7.1. 1-2
He has created everything by Himself without need of any external assistance or, He is the Punya (“merit” or “Meritorious One”), by which we are pulled back towards Him.
“asad vai idam agre aaseet; = In the beginning was verily this Unmanifested,
tatah vai sad ajaayata.= from which the Manifestation was born.
tat aatmaanagm swayam akuruta = That created Itself by Itself.
tasmaat tat sukritam uchyate iti = Therefore, it is called Self-made or Well-made.
Important Note: Contrary to normal usage, in the context of this verse, the terms Sat and Asat have swopped meanings, due to the standpoint being that of Creation. Sat means “the manifested world of names and forms, visible and invisible, i.e. gross and subtle”.
Asat is their absence or the Unmanifested Brahman, i.e. His state of potential Creator, not the non-existence that we spoke of earlier at the beginning of the last Anuvaka. Idam is the Jagat or universe.
Sukritam is the key description we are concerned with here, so important that it explains the FOURTH PROOF for the existence of Brahman. It has two meanings here:
i) Self-Created or Well-made: This is the standard meaning adopted, since God created ‘Itself as Creation’ by ‘Itself as the desire, the dermination and the will to multiply Itself”. He was not assisted by anything or anyone outside of Himself. He Himself made all things and remained in them as Himself. He is an independent Creator.
ii) Punya or Merit: From the human perspective, this is how man would see Brahman’s Self-creation. Auspicious things require Punya to bring them into manifestation; Paapa brings inauspiciousness only. Brahman’s creation was immaculate and most auspicious, so it has to come from Punya. Since Brahman Himself created it, He is known by that name, Punya, another name for which is Sukrita.
A logical implication of both the above meanings is that such a kind of creation is possible only if there is an “Eternal Consciousness” acting as the cause. The fact that creation is brought about by Sukrita, well-earned Merit, or by the pure Consciousness which is Brahman, free from all contamination of human selfishness, is proof that Brahman exists. Acharyaji explained it further by saying that Sukrita is the ‘servant’ whose Master is Brahman. Sukrita is pervaded and ordered by Brahman. So Brahman is Sukrita as He is the Master of Sukrita. Brahman is the ‘Nitya-Chetana-Kaarana’, the intelligent causative principle, which enables this well-ordered and well-governed Universe to be created.
5. Rasatwa Prasiddheh Mantram - 2.7.2. 3-4
He is the source of all Joy; we become happy by coming in contact with Him.
Mantram - 2.7.2 : The Source of All Joy
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