MANDUKYA UPANISHAD with GAUDAPADA’S KARIKA : 3 - Swami Advayananda ji.


Wednesday, 09 Aug 2023. 06:20.


with Part 1/4 of GAUDAPADA’S KARIKA

Agama Prakarana – “The Scriptural Treatise”

PART 1: Agama Prakarana (Mantras-29. )

Kar. Section 1.1: EXPERIENCE & ENJOYMENT (Mantras 1-5) 

Commentary on Mantras 1-5 of Mandukya Upanishad


B. From the Cosmic or Universal Viewpoint:

yo vishwaatmaa  =  That Virat which identifies Itself with the universe, 

vidhija-vishayaan  =  and enjoys gross objects during cosmic waking

praashya bhogaan thavishthaan;  =  created by the Karma of virtue and vice;

pashchaat chhaanyaan,  =  That Hiranyagarbha which again experiences 

swam-ativibhavaan,  =  through its own light, by Its own volition, 

jyotishaa svena sookshmaan;  =  the subtle objects of enjoyment in cosmic dream;

sarvaan-etaan,  =  That Ishwara which, all these projections 

punah api shanaih,  =  It once again promptly 

swaatmani sthaapayitvaa;  =   withdraws into Itself during cosmic sleep;



Upanishad Section 1: 

Mantram - 1.

THE UPANISHADS EXPOUND the value of Om as the best means to still the mind and 

draw it towards the non-dual state. Taking that as the lead for the enquiry, this Upanishad

begins a detailed breakdown of Om in both its transcendental meaning as Brahman, as well 

as its immanent meaning as all that there is in the world. Om represents both these aspects.

It is first shown that all objects are name only, and can be represented by Om. Then, 

it is shown that the creation of Brahman “is strung together by the thread of speech and by 

the strands of names.” This is where the Upanishad begins…



Mantram -1 ( Plurality is Nothing But OM )

To be continued



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