MUNDAKA UPANISHAD - 30. Swami Advayananda.
6 Chapters (64 Mantras)
(Mantras - 23-32, 10 no.
Thursday, 10 Aug 2023. 07:30.
(Mantras - 23-32, 10 no.)
Thus begins the first Section of the Second Canto.
30 Mantram - 3.8: The Secret of “Groups of Seven”
Post - 30.
30 Mantram - 3.8: The Secret of “Groups of Seven”
sapta praanaah prabhavanti = The seven Pranas are born
tasmaat, = from Him alone; (and so are….)
sapta archishah, samidhah, = the seven flames, the sevenfold fuel,
sapta homaah; = the sevenfold oblations;
sapta ime lokaa yeshu charanti = as also the seven “nodal points” or Chakras where
praanaa, = the Pranas are seated (for distribution in the body);
guhaashayaa nihitaah, = in the “cave of the heart” (of all beings)
‘sapta sapta’. = lie all these in groups of seven’s.
Pujya Gurudev sums up the style of this mantram as: “On a rough reading, this would
naturally confuse anyone, for, in its literal meaning, it has no sense at all. But it is the style
of the scriptures to use such code language.” Like the class notes of a college student that
are meaningless to another person, the scriptures are rough lecture notes taken down by
the Rishis when they sat at the Feet of God in meditation, listening to His silent Divine
1 Sapta Prana:
The seven Pranas – are taken to be the seven sense organs located in
the head: two ears, two eyes, two nostrils and one tongue. The descriptions here are for
those who wish to desire good, vibrant health; special talents as in sports; or specific
All these desires require very sharp senses, trained to be extra observant and
sensitive and to work with great co-ordination and dexterity, as for example, a musician or
an artist, or a gymnast or a scientist.
2a Sapta Archishah:
the seven flames – we have already learnt these in 2.4;
2b Sapta Samidha:
the seven kinds of fuel – the seven sense objects;
2c Sapta Homa:
the seven oblations – the perception of those sense objects;
3 Sapta Lokah:
the seven seats – these are the Chakras in the body where the Pranas
are more concentrated; they are the distribution points for Prana to flow for different
functions in the body from Muladhara at the root of the spine to Sahasra at the crown of
the head.
4 Sapta Sapta:
in groups of seven – in everything one will see that they occur in
groups of sevens. All these are to be seen as an integral part of our whole being. They are
centred in the “cave of our heart” where resides the Atman or inner Self.
The main point in all these verses is: Worshippers should remember that the
bestower of all these is none other that the Supreme Purusha.
31 Mantram - 3.9: Our Physical Environment
To be continued
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