MUNDAKA UPANISHAD - 31. Swami Advayananda.


6 Chapters (64 Mantras)


(Mantras - 23-32, 10 no.)



Wednesday, 23 Aug 2023. 06:40.


(Mantras - 23-32, 10 no.)

Thus begins the first Section of the Second Canto.

31 Mantram - 3.9: Our Physical Environment

Post - 31.


31 Mantram - 3.9: Our Physical Environment

atah samudraah girayah cha sarve   =  From Him, all oceans and mountains arise;

asmaat syandante sindhavah sarvaroopaah;  =  from Him, flow rivers of every description;


atah cha sarvaa oshadhayah rasah cha,   =  from Him, too, arise herbs and medicinal saps;

yena eshah bhootaih   =  by these gross elements of matter

tishthate hi antaraatmaa.  =  is indeed the subtle body surrounded. 


The idea of the “groups of seven” may be carried over into this verse as well, adding 

richness and uniformity to its meaning. Thus, it would be the seven oceans, the seven 

mountain ranges, the seven great rivers, the seven great medicinal systems of the world, 

and so on. The proclamation is generalized to all beings. Everything that supports their life 

on earth is an emanation of the Supreme Purusha.

1a Samudraah: 

“the seven oceans”. These are the Atlantic, Pacific, Antarctic, Indian, 

Arabian, Bay of Bengal (keeping the focus on India), and the Arctic.

1b Girayah:

“the seven mountain ranges”. These are the Himalayas, Vindhyas, Ghats 

in India); the Alps, the Andes, the Rockies, etc.


“the seven great rivers”. These are (in India) Ganga, Yamuna, Godaveri, 

Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu and Cauveri.


“the seven great medicinal systems”. These are Ayurveda (Indian), 

Unani (Arabian), Homoeopathy (European), Allopathy (Western), etc.


“by the seven elements”. These are the five elements as we already 

know them, together with the sun and the moon which are considered as elements. 

In this world, all beings are surrounded or encircled by all of the above groups (3.8 

and 3.9). This is our physical environment, and it is an integral part of us. They all arise from 

the Supreme Purusha. This theme runs throughout this chapter.



32 Mantram - 3.10: Brahman & Universe Are One

To be continued



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