
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Mundakoupanishad : Post-61 - Swami Krishnananda.

================================================================================== Wednesday 26, June 2024. 06:40. The First Mundaka:  Second Khanda Mantras: 1 to 5. POST-61. =================================================================================== The object of the lower Vidya is connected with the doer, the instrument of doing, the action, and the result thereof. The path of the lower Vidya is one of Samsara, whose beginning and end cannot be known. It is of the form of pain and, therefore, it has to be rejected by all intelligent beings. The experience of Samsara is continuous like the flow of waters in a river. The cessation of this flow is called emancipation which is the object of the higher Knowledge, which is beginningless and endless, decayless, deathless, immortal, fearless, pure and calm, of the nature of establishment in the Self, non-dual and Supreme Bliss. The experience of Samsara is not a constant or steady experience but a constant movement or a free flow of

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - 5. Swami Krishnananda.

================================================================================== Tuesday 25, June 2024. 06:20. Article Scriptures Post-5. ================================================================================== You may ask me what 'meaningful' is. Meaning is that character in the object by which we can consider that object to be of some utility to us. If it is totally non-utilitarian, if it is a meaningless hotchpotch, then our mind cannot be attracted. Thus, symmetry of contour, perfection of presentation, precision and orderliness, together with the meaning that we see in it, pulls the subject towards the object. However, considering any aspect of the matter, it does not mean that we love the object for its own sake. There is some subjectivity involved in it. Unless a meaning is seen in the object, we will not be pulled towards that object. We want to put that object into some utility. If there is no meaning at all, no attraction takes place.  So, "na va arey

Lessons on the Upanishads -2.2: Swami Krishnananda.

================================================================================ Monday 24, June 2024. 07:40. Upanishads Chapter 2: The Problem in Understanding the Upanishads - 2. Post-10. ================================================================================== The Isavasya Upanishad is the only one which occurs in the Samhita portion of the Veda. All the others come as appendices or follow-ups of the Brahmanas or the Aranyakas, which I mentioned in the previous session. Therefore, there is a special intonation required in the recitation of the Isavasya Upanishad, as is the case with the Samhitas of the Vedas. We cannot read the verses casually, as we read a book. There is a special modulation and intonation of voice—swara, as it is called. This swara aspect of recitation is not emphasised as much in the other Upanishads as is the case with the Isavasya Upanishad. Now, to repeat what I told you towards the end of our last session, the Upanishads are most important and equall

Introduction to the Upanishads - 6. Swami Krishnananda.

=================================================================================== Sunday 23, June 2024 06:00. Article Scriptures Post-6. =================================================================================== The great master said, "All this that you have learned is only a word; you have not gone to the depths of things – the Atman has not been studied. You have only collected words, names, information about the outer structure of things, the name and the form complex of things has been made available to you by your studies that you have enumerated just now, as a series of learnings." Likewise in the Upanishads we have instances of great seekers humbly moving towards sages and saints for the purpose of making themselves fit to receive this knowledge. Even after achieving considerable success in purifying the mind of this dross of the tendency of the mind to move in the direction of objects of sense, by duty, by service, unselfish work, the mind will refuse to co

The Secret of the Katha Upanishad: 13 - Swami Krishnananda.

Swami Chinmayananda: Someone asked Gurudev, I sleep too long, I feel always always sleepy. What is the healthy minimum of sleep? What Bhagavad Gita says on this and how much sleep is good for yoga or any activity you wish to pursue, swipe to read!  ================================================================================= Saturday 22, June 2024 06:20. Upanishads: Discourse No. 2-7 (Continued ) Post - 13. ================================================================================== The bodily individuality is represented by sensory activity. Our bodies are weak, incapable of meeting the onslaught of natural forces on account of our yielding to the urges of sense. We cannot bear heat, we cannot bear cold, we cannot bear hunger, we cannot bear thirst, we cannot bear a strong wind, we cannot bear a flood. Natural forces are uncontrollable. Nature in its physical form has been estranged from the human personality on account of the yielding of the individual to the senses. The se

KENOPANISHAD -6: Swami Krishnananda.

================================================================================= Friday 21, June 2024 06:50. Article Scriptures Kenopanishad Commentary on Section 1 Mantras - 3&4 (Continued) Post-6. ================================================================================= In the material world, we are so deeply objectively conscious that oftentimes we regard the objects as more important that our own self. This is called samsara, in ordinary language. People say they are involved in samsara, which means to say that they are immersed in object-consciousness, regarding the objects as more valuable than themselves. The things connected with me are more meaningful to me than my own self. This is the simple statement about the whole matter. This is why people die for things other than their own self. The entire life of a person is spent in adjusting himself with objects, so that he may be in tune with objects rather than the objects be in tune with his self. We flow with the cu

The Chhandogya Upanishad - 59: Swami Krishnananda.

  Chinmaya Mission   1 4 h    ·  Chinmaya Mission Uganda are utterly grateful to have been blessed and graced by the first-ever Non-Stop Musical Hanuman Chalisa Chanting in Uganda. Events were held prior at Jalaram Mandir and SSD Mandir, leading up to the 108 Chanting. Approximately 350 people attended throughout the day, with 120 staying for the entire event. The First Lady High Commissioner of India, Dryuti Rawat Singh, graced the occasion and participated as one of the main Yajma, and H.E. Uppender Singh Rawat joined for the last three hours. The team took the crowd to depths of electrifying magic and a meditative state. The Hanuman Chalisa chanting inspired many, and they look forward to making it a signature event in Uganda. Kudos to the dedicated sevaks of Chinmaya Mission Uganda for organizing such beautiful events that spread the fragrance of Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda's work and vision. Your efforts are truly inspiring, fostering love and devotion in the hearts of a