Chinmaya Mission: 

63 enthusiastic Chinmaya Yeva Kendras gathered in Krishnalaya for the annual CHYK San Jose retreat. 

Led by Brahmachari Soham (Chinmaya Mission San Jose) and Brahmacharini Stuti (Chinmaya Mission Columbus), the CHYKs studied 20 values from slogas 8-12 of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13.

Each day consisted of yoga, meditation, nature walks, discourses by the brahmacharins, Q&A sessions, group discussions, interactive workshops, seva projects, and fun evening activities. 

Retreat highlights included a hike amongst the towering redwoods of Richardson Grove State Park, a CHYK-led workshop based on the classic “snake” computer game, Antakshari around the campfire, and an open mic night. 

Each attendee also had the special opportunity for small group satsang with the brahmacharins.

The retreat concluded with a puja at the Krishna grove and Guru Dakshina in Gurudev’s Kutiya. With Pujya Gurudev’s grace, the camp was a great success.


Saturday 15, 2024June. 06:25.
Agama Prakarana – “The Scriptural Treatise”


 GAUDAPADA’S KARIKA:  PART 4/4:   ALAATA-SHANTI PRAKARANA (100 verses): Quenching the Firebrand:
The SANKHYANS Refuted:
Karika Section 4.2:   
Mantras 9-13  (5 No.) 


Mantram - 4.11: Logic Violation 1: Cause Becomes Effect:   

Kaaranam yasya vai kaaryam, = They say the cause itself becomes the effect; 

kaaranam tasya jaayate; = that implies the cause undergoes birth; 

jaayamaanam katham ajam, =  How can a thing that is ‘Birthless’ take birth? 

bhinnam nityam katham cha tat. = And how can it be ‘Eternal’ if it has parts (effects)? 



 This challenges the premise of the Sankhyans. They declare that the Reality, 

which they insist on calling the “Unborn”, is born as the effect. This is a logical absurdity. 

How can that which is considered to be “Birthless” be said to take birth as something else? 


 They then argue that it is not the whole of the Reality that gets transformed into 

the effect, but only a part. In that case, how can Reality be eternal, if it has parts? Reality 

cannot have parts; if it does, it cannot be called Reality as one part may contradict another 

part by having a nature all its own, even as a hand is not same as the nose. 

Once a thing, or even a part of it, changes into another thing, then it ceases to be 

what it was, because it has become something else. It is no longer Eternal. This is purely on 

logical grounds. Thus, the Sankhyan theory is refuted. 



Mantram - 4.12: Logic Violation 2: Effect Becomes Cause 




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