PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 56: Rishi Pippala.


#6 Questions, 67 Mantras: “Questions from Disciples Answered.”


Query No 5: “The Development of Power” 


Tuesday 18, June 2024. 06:30.
Mantram - 5.6: Three Letters (Together) – Gift of “Unshakable Yoga”


Mantram - 5.6: Three Letters (Together) – Gift of “Unshakable Yoga”:

Tisrah maatraah = The three letters of Om by themselves, (as A, U,M) 

mrityumatyah prayuktaah, = are still within the realm of “Death”. 

anyonya saktaah = but when they are joined one to the next, i.e. 

anavi-prayuktaah; = not applied divergently to different objects, 

kriyaasu – baahya, abhi = and are applied to all three courses of action – 

antara, madhyamaa-su, = external, internal and intermediate, 

samyak prayuktaasu, = which are properly resorted to, (during meditation)  

na kampate jnah. =  then that Yogi ‘does not shake’! (i.e. remains steady) 



 When the three syllables are chanted separately, the meditator does not realize 

Brahman while living. After death, he has to go to Brahmaloka and then get liberated. In 

other words, he still remains in the “realm of Death”. 


 Soon, the practitioner is able to see the underlying presence of the Supreme 

Brahman through all the three states together. This is represented by saying that he chants 

Om as a unified single word, not as three separate sounds. Soon he perfects the chanting in 

this manner, keeping his attention fixed on the Supreme Brahman. 


 Na Kampate Jnah: Pujya Gurudev loved this expression. People used to come to 

him and say, “Swamiji, as long as we are in Satsang, fear is not there. But when we reach 

home, somehow it creeps back into us.” Gurudev used to then quote this expression, 

meaning until such time we perfect the OM Upasana, we are all subject to these 

“tremblings”. He would say that “we get upset whenever our set-up has changed.” 

Such a person is freed from all “trembles”. This means he is not shaken by any 

incident he experiences, because he is firmly established in the Supreme Brahman. 

He is “unshakably established in Brahman”.



Mantram - 5.7: Sruti Quotation: Summarising this Chapter 




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