KATHA UPANISHAD - 59. Swami Advayananda.

Swami ChinmayanandaHere is a step to step guide to make your japa effective! Hit a like, and tag your fellow japists! Don’t postpone, start today! 


Friday 28, June 2024 07:00.
Chapter 1.3:   17 Mantras:  THE JOURNEY AHEAD
1.3.7, 8, & 9: The Destination: Successfully Reaching the Goal
Post - 59.


Mantras: 1.3.7, 8, & 9: 

The Destination: Successfully Reaching the Goal

1 Yah tu avijnaanavaan bhavati = He who is of a non-discriminating intellect,

2 amanaskah sadaa ashuchih; = ever thoughtless and always impure,

3 na sah tat padam aapnoti  = he never attains that Goal;

4 samsaaram cha adhi-gacchhati. = instead, he gets further into Samsara.


5 Yah to vijnaanavaan bhavati =  But he who is of a discriminating intellect,

6 samanaskah sadaa shuchih; =  ever thoughtful and ever pure,

7 sah tu tat padam aapnoti = he verily attains that Goal;

8 yasmaat bhooyah na jaayate. =  whence he is not born again.


9 Vijnaana saarathih yah tu = One who has a good intellect as his charioteer,

10 manah pragrahavaan narah; = and a well-controlled mind as his reins,

11 sah adhvanah paaram aapnoti = such a man, attains the end of his journey, 

12 tat vishnoh paramam padam. = that Supreme Abode of Vishnu, the all-pervading.


These three mantras focus on the Destination. The intellect is the key deciding factor. 

If it is of the Vijnana-vani type, there will be a smooth ride to the end of the road. If not, 

then one has to prepare for a very bumpy ride, perhaps even a collision sooner or later. 

The Bhashya carefully picks up the key qualities needed in the intellect and the mind.


Chinmaya Shivam:

  Satsang on “Mental GYM: How to make the mind strong?”  was hosted by Shri Parag Wagh and Smt. Neha Karande Wagh at Clubhouse, Ashoka Gardens, Sewri. 

We covered: How to burn FATS - Fear, Anger, Tension and Stress, How to build ABS- Alertness, Balance and Strength, how to increase the spiritual muscle mass and increase the Sadhana reps to build mental strength and resilience. 


1-4 The Avijnana-vani: Lack of discrimination and thoughtlessness are the factors 

that make a poor charioteer. Instead of taking one to the Goal, such a driver takes one 

deeper into the pit of worldly existence.


5-8 The Vijnana-vani: The intellect has to be discriminative and thoughtful. With 

these two, the horses of the senses will certainly be strong and obedient. They cannot do 

any mischief if the reins are firmly held.

9-10 Besides a good intellect, a well-disciplined mind is also needed. This is brought 

into the equation at this point. Whilst the fruit of a well-trained intellect is one-pointedness 

or Chitta-Ekagrata, the fruit of a well-trained mind is purity or Chitta-Shuddhi. The mind has 

to be well controlled and disciplined, and emotionally stable. A mind that obeys the orders 

from the intellect is needed. 


11-12 The destination reached is the Abode of Vishnu, which will mean different 

things to the three persons we met in 1.3.1. But that difference is not important at this 

stage of the text. It is enough for our Sadhana purposes to know that such qualities will 

certainly take us to our proper destination without a hitch.




1.3.10 & 11: The Journey Mapped Out



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