TAITTIRIYA UPANISHAD – 59. Rishi Yajnavalkya.


Monday 01. July 2024, 07:00.
Taittiriya Upanishad
PART 2: 9 No. Anuvakas (Chapters)
Post - 58.


Anuvaka 2.2 
From Annamaya to Pranamaya 
The Essence of the Upanishads:


“Satyam, Jnaanam, Anantam, Brahman” 
Bhashya A: 
“On the Nature of BRAHMAN” 


Bhashya B: 
“The Differentiation of the Five Sheaths” 
Coverage:  From 2.1.4 – 2.6.2 (crosses 5 Anuvakas) 
Mantram - 2.1.4:  The Annamaya Kosha – Food Sheath


Anuvaka 2.2: From Annamaya to Pranamaya 


 (For Anuvakas 2.2 to 2.6) 

The “Current” Kosha is Annamaya Kosha; the “Previous” Kosha is not applicable yet; 

the “Next” Kosha is the Pranamaya Kosha. The names of the Koshas change at step iii) in 

every Anuvaka, until we come to Anandamaya Kosha as the “Current” Kosha at Anuvaka 6, 


Mantram: 2.6.2.  A presentation pattern is set for the next 5 Anuvakas.: 

i) Shruti quotation on the “Current” Kosha; 

ii) “Current” Kosha as Inner Self of the “Previous” Kosha; 

iii) Changeover: ‘Current’ becomes ‘Previous’; ‘Next’ becomes ‘Current’; 

iv) Human Form Characteristics of the new “Current” Kosha; 

v) Announcing the Shruti Quotation on new “Current” Kosha. 

In this compilation, step v) is included with step iv).


Mantram: 2.2.1:Shruti Quotation on Anna (Food):

“annaat vai prajaah prajaayante; =  “From Food verily are born all beings,   

yaah kaah cha prithiveem shritaah. = That rest on the Earth. 

atho annena eva jeevanti; = Besides, they live on food,  


atha enat api yanti antatah. = and at the end they get merged in food. 

annam hi bhootaanaam jyeshtham; =  Food was verily born before all creatures;  

tasmaat sarva-aushadham uchyate. =  therefore, it is called the medicine for all. 

sarvam vai te annam aapnuvanti; =  They acquire all the food they need   

ye annam brahma upaasate. =  who worship food as Brahman. 

annam hi bhootaanaam jyeshtham; = Food was verily born before all creatures;     

tasmaat sarva-aushadham uchyate. =  therefore, it is called the medicine for all. 

annaat bhootaani jaayante; = Creatures are born of food;    

jaataani annena vardhante;  = and, being born, they grow by food; 

adyete atti cha bhootaani; =   Since it is eaten and it eats the creatures,  

tasmaat annam  tat uchyate,” iti. =  therefore, it is called ‘Annam’


The Importance of Food for Life:


Food is the cause of the Annamaya Kosha of all beings born (Prajaayante), and 

which take their support on Earth (Prithivi). It is Earth’s responsibility to provide food for all 

creatures for the whole duration of their lifespan. When beings die (Antatah), their bodies 

return to the bowels of the Earth. The bodies become food for other creatures who live on 

those particular bodies which die a natural death. 

The primary source of food is the surface of the Earth, where the creatures may find 

find their food easily; they do not have to dig too deeply, nor need to fly to get their food.  

From vegetation growing in abundance, the herbivorous  class of creatures are 

catered for. Fish get their food in water, which therefore has to be included under ‘Earth’. 

Many wild animals are carnivorous and need to kill other creatures to get their food. That is 

also part of Nature’s plan. Man is designed to be herbivorous, but in most parts of the world 

lives as an omnivore , as he eats both the above kinds of food. 


 This line is the same as 5. There is a good reason for its repetition, which may be 

understood through line 4 between them. In 3, the meaning is purely a chronological 

necessity; the food has to be present before the creature is born, hence it is “first-born”.  

Food is primarily eaten to appease hunger. As food removes the ‘disease of hunger’, 

it is considered to be a medicine. The principle promoted by Nature is “Eat to Live”.  


 When we obey this principle, we regard Food with respect and worship it as 

Brahman. In the context of the Koshas, it is vital for us to have this attitude towards food. 

Only then can we go beyond the food sheath, into the next level on our journey in search of 

Brahman. We do not forget that the whole purpose of this study is to find Brahman. 


 When we disobey the principle, and reverse it to “Live to Eat”, then trouble starts. 

We violate nature by eating immoderately, indiscriminately, unpunctually, and without 

measure. The meaning given under 3 now changes although the words are the same. When 

we flout the principle, we invite illnesses and Nature gets out of balance. Other creatures, 

even other humans, are denied their needs. Then food becomes a medicine to cure us.


 Besides being eaten, food also eats  us, in the sense that if we do not respect it 

and overeat, then we age quicker. Indulgence burns out our energies rather than replenish 

them. By indulgence we hurtle along quickly to our grave.  


Mantram - 2.2.2: Annamaya Kosha as “Inner Self” of Previous Kosha 

This mantram is not applicable here as there is no Kosha previous to Annamaya Kosha.



Mantram- 2.2.3: Changeover: Pranamaya Kosha within Annamaya Kosha 




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