KATHA UPANISHAD - 58. Swami Advayananda.

Chinmaya Mission: 

In our Hindu scriptures, it is said that we should not miss this time of the day! The most powerful time for every person!


Friday 14, June 2024 07:00.
Chapter 1.3:   17 Mantras:  THE JOURNEY AHEAD
1.3.5 & 6: The Intellect: Avijnanavan and Vijnanavan 
Post - 58.


1.3.5 & 6: The Intellect: Avijnanavan and Vijnanavan: 

Yah tu avijnaanavaan bhavati = He who is of a non-discriminating intellect, 

ayuktena manasaa sadaa; = having an unrestrained mind always, 

tasya indriyaani avashyaani =  his senses are uncontrollable 

dushta ashvaah iva saaratheh. =  like the wild horses of the charioteer. 


Yah tu vijnaanavaan bhavati = But he who is of a discriminating intellect, 

yuktena manasaa sadaa; =  having restrained his mind always, 

tasya indriyaani vashyaani = his senses are controllable 

sad ashvaah iva saaratheh. =  like the tame horses of the charioteer.


These two mantras focus on the intellect, which can be of two opposite types:



 The Avijnana-vani: The undiscriminating charioteer is the most dangerous 

person to entrust for this work. A dull intellect filled with Tamas or a restless Rajasic intellect 

cannot be relied upon to take one safely across Samsara. 

An unthinking driver will cause a lot of problems. Which owner, after having spent a 

fortune on a brand new Mercedes salon, will entrust it to a dull-witted, reckless driver?  


 The Vijnana-vani: This is the discriminating driver who is cautious about 

following all the road rules, who is skilled in driving, who takes great care to rein in the mind 

so that the horses are well-controlled. A good intellect is the key to a successful journey. 

A good charioteer is sane and sober, thoughtful and discerning, understanding and 

knowledgeable, he is patient, careful and alert to avert any danger on the road. For the 

owner’s peace of mind, it is worth giving the intellect the highest salary. 

The Vijnana-vani is capable of choosing Sreyas instead of Preyas. He possesses the 

fortitude to walk the path of Vidya. As discrimination is the key to the whole journey, it pays 

to take time and get the intellect trained to do this task well – even if that means spending 

two years on a Vedanta Course! 

The message we take from these two mantras is: “Let the Lord be the charioteer of our 

lives. He makes all the difference. Let us place our intellect in His hands. Let us invoke the 

Grace of Gayatri to raise our Buddhi towards the Light and keep it there. Let it not linger in 

the darkness of ignorance.” 



Mantras: 1.3.7, 8, & 9:The Destination: Successfully Reaching the Goal




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