Mantram -1.
Discussion-6. on 'change' to be continued ....
And detecting this Light of Truth is no miraculous accident or arduous achievement.
Pause for a moment and analyse any experience and we can experience the ever shining
Reality behind all changes.
The fact is that we cannot experience chang except with reference to some changeless factors; with reference to the relatively steady trees on the roadside alone can we detect the rate of change in our moving vehicle.
We know the world is changing ---- but with reference to what?
We know the very instrument of our experiences, body-mind-intellect, are ever changing ---
but with reference to what?
Are these momentary shows to screen the Paramount Divinity for ever?
That changeless entity which is ever present in all changes, yet itself never undergoing any change at any time, is the Truth which is to be detected, followed, and ultimately apprehended by us in the quiet of our meditation.
For example, yonder stands a tree.
If we analyse our experience of the tree, we will have to accept that our concept of that tree is nothing but a sum total of our knowledge of its form, sound, taste, smell, and touch.
These are impressions interpreted to us by our sense-organs.
If there are no sense-organs, these impressions canot be, but, when the tree is destroyed and it leaves no more any impressions in our ind, it is a zero factor because, when we were observing these factors, we were also unconsciously observing another common quality
running uniformly through all these factors.
Next : Discussion-7. 'principle of existence' .....
To be continued ....
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