
Showing posts from July, 2022

KENA UPANISHAD : “Know That Alone as Brahman” - 9. Swami Tejomayananda.

 ===================================================================== Swami Swaroopananda, Global Head of Chinmaya Mission was warmly welcomed by the members and devotees of Chinmaya Mission Portland after a long haul of over three years. Swamiji kept the audience riveted on his tips on managing the mind with his enlightening discourses on Mind Technology. Here is a quote from his talk along with photographs from the 3 day series in July 2022. "If you decide to lift yourself, the whole universe contrives to make things happens. And a mind that obeys you, alone is your best friend." =======================================================================  Chapters, 4. No of  Mantras. - 34. ========================================================================= Sunday, July 31, 2022. 19:00. Chapter 2 -Subtlety of “KNOWING” Brahman (5 Mantras) Mantram-1: Did the Student Understand?  Post -9. ==================================================================== Mantram -1:

ISAVASYA UPANISHAD : - 9. Swami Tejomayananda.

======================================================================== ========================================================================= Saturday, July 30, 2022. 20:00 Wave 3: Mantras 9-14 (6 No.):  The Integration of KNOWLEDGE ======================================================================== IN THIS SECTION of 6 verses, we have two sets of 3 verses, each set following the  same pattern. These are mystical verses and require the help and guidance of a Teacher to  explain them. They have many interpretations, according to the orientation of the various  schools of thought. They address the eternal problem facing man: Does the solution to the  problems in life lie in Action & Devotion or in pure Knowledge? Is the solution secular or  spiritual? How are we to view the manifested and the Unmanifested levels of creation? This problem is tackled in both sets of verses. The first set tackles it from the  individual’s standpoint, i.e. from the Microcosmic level, known as V

Introduction to the Upanishads : 8. Swami Krishnananda.

 ========================================================================= ========================================================================= Tuesday, July 19, 2022. 20:15. Post-8. ======================================================================== Austerity is very important. Tapas is the pre-eminent prescription of the Upanishads for self-control, which means actually the inhibition or abstraction of the tendency of the mind to move towards things other than the self. Austerity or Tapas can be performed or carried on gradually by systematic adoption of graduated methods. The first thing you can do in your life towards performance of austerity is avoidance of luxury and go-lucky attitude. Have or keep with you only those things which are necessary for you, and don't keep those things which are not essential for a reasonably comfortable existence. This is the first step that you can take in austerity. Something is necessary for you under certain given conditions, okay,

PRASHNA UPANISHAD.7 - Rishi Pippalada

 ======================================================================= ======================================================================= #6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered” ##KABANDHI’S QUESTION : Query No 1: “Matter & Energy” ========================================================================= Monday, July 18, 2022. 20:30.  Mantrm - 1.7 Vaishwanara – The Immediate Source of Prana & Rayi ========================================================================= Mantram-1.7  "Sah eshah vaishwaanarah, vishwaroopah; praanah agnih udayate tad etat rik abhi-uktam": -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 Sah eshah vaishwaanarah, vishwaroopah; praanah agnih udayate; = He is this Vaishwanara  (the sum  total of all beings), assuming all forms; Prana is the fire that rises everyday. 2 tad etat rik abhi-uktam: = This is supported by a Rig Ve

KAIVALYA UPANISHAD : 9. Swami Advaitananda

 ======================================================================== ========================================================================= Sunday, July 17, 2022. 19:30.  From the Atharva Veda (26 Mantras) : “The HOMOGENEITY of Brahman” Post - 9. ================================================================  Mantram - 7: Goal 2: Upasana of Shiva with Form (Saguna) ========================================================= Mantram-7. "Uma-sahayam parameswaram prabhum tri-lochanam nila-kantham prasantam dhyatva munir-gacchati bhuta-yonim samasta-sakshim tamasah parastat."  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : Uma-sahayam                =  Consorted by Mother Uma, parameswaram prab          =  Lord Parameshwara, the Highest Lord;  tri-lochanam nila-kantham  =  the Three-eyed, the Blue-necked,  prasantam                  =  and the Ever-tranquil - dhyatva             

TAITTIRIYA UPANISHAD – 9. Rishi Yajnavalkya.

 ========================================================================= ====================================================================== PART 1:  Chapters : 12 Chapter-1.On the Science of Pronunciation etc. ========================================================================= FIVE UPASANAS ON SANDHEES : Chapter-1.On the Science of Pronunciation etc. Section -3:  Upasana 3 – About “Knowledge” ========================================================================= 1.3:4: Upasana 3 – About “Knowledge Mantram : "Atha adhi-vidyam; aacharya poorva roopam; antevaasi  uttara roopam; vidyaa sandhih; pravachanam sandhaanam;  iti adhi-vidyam." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 12 atha adhi-vidyam;         = Now follows the teaching concerning “Knowledge”: 13 aacharya poorva roopam;   = TEACHER - is the first letter; antevaasi uttara roopam;     = *STUDENT - is the last

AITAREYA UPANISHAD -9. Rishi Maheedasa Aitareya.

 ======================================================================== ========================================================================= 3 Parts, 6 Chapters, 33 No. Mantras - “By a Peasant for the Peasant” Introduction :  PART - 1 :  Chapter -2 : POST-9. ===================================================================== Friday, July 15, 2022. 18:00. PART 1:  Chapter 2. 5 Mantras : ABODES for the Devatas ========================================================================= Mantram - 2. Cows and Horses – The Trial Abodes "Taabhyah gaam aanayat; taah abruvan  na vai nah ayam alam iti; taabhyah ashwam aanayat; taah abruvan na vai nah ayam alam iti." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Translation : 4 taabhyah gaam aanayat; taah abruvan na vai nah ayam alam iti;  =  He brought a cow for them. They said  : “Indeed, this is not  sufficient for us.” 5 taabhyah ashwam aanayat; taah a

MUNDAKA UPANISHAD - 8. Swami Advayananda.

 ======================================================================== ======================================================================= 6 Chapters (64 Mantras) Chapter-1. Section-1. 1. THE ORIGINS OF KNOWLEDGE : (Mantras 1-9, 9 no.) ========================================================================= Thursday, July 14, 2022. 07:00  Mantram 1.8: Tapas – the Forerunner of Creation. . ====================================================================== Mantram-8.Sequence of Creation of the Universe "tapasaa cheeyate brahma, tatah annam abhijaayate; annaat praano manah satyam, lokaah karmasu cha amritam.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Translation : 1 tapasaa cheeyate brahma,      = In brooding meditation (Tapas), the  joyful creative urge of Brahmaji swells. 2 tatah annam abhijaayate;      = Then, from Him food is produced; 3 annaat praano manah satyam,   = from food the Prana,

Mandukya Upanishad : 5. T.N.Sethumadhavan.

 ======================================================================= ======================================================================== Wednesday, July  13, 2022. 06:00.  An inquiry into what is Real And Unreal  AGAMA PRAKARANA  Post-5. ======================================================================== WAKING STATE - Mantram-3. jagarita sthano bahishprajnah saptanga  ekonavimshati mukhah sthula bhug  vaishvanarah prathamah padah .. 3... "The first quarter (Pada) is Vaisvanara whose sphere of activity is the waking state,  who is conscious of the external world of objects, who has seven limbs and nineteen  mouths and whose experience consists of gross material objects of the world."  Human life is nothing but a series of experiences wherein three features play a dynamic  role. They are 1. the experiencer 2. the experienced and 3. the experiencing i.e. the  relationship between the experiencer and the experienced. When we juxtapose these  experiences into our ow

KATHA UPANISHAD - 7. Swami Advayananda.

 =============================================================== ================================================================ Tuesday, July 12, 2022, 06:30. Chapter 1.Section-1: (29 Mantras) : The story of Nachiketas in the House of Death (“A Leap Into the Beyond”) :  Bhashyam by Sri Swami Adi Shankaracharya ji. ================================================================ Chapter-1, Section-1. Mantram-1.1.7: Lord Yama Instructs on Hospitality Post-7. ================================================================ Mantram-1.1.7: "Vaishvaanarah pravishati atithih braahmanah grihaan;  tasya etaam shaantim kurvanti hara vaivasvata udakam." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Translation : 1 Vaishvaanarah pravishati            = “Like the entry of fire, 2 atithih braahmanah grihaan;      = a Brahmana guest has come to our house. 3 tasya etaam shaantim kurvanti   =  We should pacify him, as is cust

KENA UPANISHAD : “Know That Alone as Brahman” - 8. Swami Tejomayananda.

 ======================================================================== ======================================================================== 4 Chapters,  No of  Mantras. - 34. ========================================================================= Monday, July 11, 2022. 05:00. Chapter 1 : The Nature of BRAHMAN Mantram-5. Brahman – Illuminator of Mind Post -8 ======================================================================== Mantram-5. Brahman – Illuminator of Mind "Yat manasaa na manute,  yena aahuh manah matam;    tad eva brahma twam viddhi na idam yat idam upaasate." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 5 yat manasaa na manute,         =  What one cannot feel with the  mind; 6 yena aahuh manah matam;     =  But because of which they say the  mind feels; 7 tad eva brahma twam viddhi, =  Know That alone as Brahman, 8 na idam yat idam upaasate.    =  And not this whic