Mantram -1.
Discussion-9. "That renounced" ( tena tyaktena -- first two words in the beginning of second line of the Mantram) ....." envelops all this " ( Isa vasyam idagm sarvam --- in the beginning of the Mantram ...
"That renounced" ( tena tyaktena ) :- - This is the effective part, the technique to experience the Lord that "envelops all this" ( Isa vasyam idagm sarvam).
Identified with the beauty of sculpture, many a time, we fail to notice the material with which it is made.
Very rarely are you recognising the paper on which these words are printed.
You are seeing the ideas through the word-meanings, and not the colour of the white paper.
And yet, you know that these printed words are impossible to read if the paper were black in colour!
To see the colour of the paper is to ignore the words.
To renounce the enchantments of and hungers for the names and forms is to recognise the Lord, the Infinite.
We are indebted to "Sri Madhavacharya" for a beautiful new meaning to this portion of the Mantram.
"Tena" also means " by Him," who has been indicated already as "Isa," the Lord in the first line of the Mantram.
"Tena," therefore, is "by Hin," the "Isa"; "tyaktena" means renounced, gifted away.
So, 'tena tyaktena' means that which is left to us by Him, you enjoy ( bhunjithah ).
Offer unto the Lord, and then, as His *"PRASADAM." what you get, "enjoy" it.
1. "What Gods give to you, offer it to them, and then partake it; or else you are a thief"---Gita : ch-3. slo-12.--"Given by God" ( Tena tyaktena).
2. Whatever you see --- greatness, beauty, or glory, O Arjuna, know that to be a bit of "My Glory"--Gita : ch-10. slo-41..
3. Interesting to note that the word "grdhah" in "Samskritam" is "Vulture"; the 'seer' has rightly used the term 'gradhah' which suggests greed which is vulture-like.
Next : Discussion -10. "Where is the wealth" ( kasya svit dhanam ) ...
To be continued ...
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