Discussion : 4. "Supreme is the only Reality" ...
Similarly, when the mantram declares that the Supreme is the only Reality, which the mind-and-intellect-conditioned perceiver ( ego), because of his ignorance of the Reality, sees not, but in its place sees the ghostly world of plurality and the phenomenon.
The phenomenal world canot have an existence where Truth is not; the appearance of the world of plurality, as risen up for the experience of the perceivr, exists only in Truth.
And when the perceiver, by transcending his equipments of mind-snd-intellect, rediscovers the Truth in all its Purity, the super-impositions of the mind-and-intellect, cognised in terms of the pluralistic world rolls away, and he experiences the auspicious vision of Truth in all Its transcendental glory.
The great Realty, Absolute and Infinite, is expressed here by the common pronoun "THAT".
There is a definite purpose and a deep significance for this usage.
A disciple, after living life fully and vitally, in the maturity of his observations upon life's fleeting panorama and its endless pains, seeks a Master to enquire of him if the goal of life be only pain and death!
He asks the Master if there is not a greater goal to be acieved in life than this meaningless hiking through pain to the abyss of death!!
As far as that young seeker's intellect is concerned, it could never independently rip open the rag of 'matter' and peep at the Truth, if any, within.
Next : Discussion -5. "That"; 'That goal of life, .....that is whole' ... 'That' Infinite, Eternal Goal'....
To be continued ...
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