



 Discussion - 7. "Creation is not an actual production" ......

When a Sastram declares anything against the actual experience in life, a Vedantin is not to accept the sastric declarations literally, but must srive hard to understand the correct import of the statement.

Similarly here, when the Rishi says that even after the production of the finite, the Infinite still remains uncontaminated and unchanged, there is some significance in the 'method' of this production.

In all the Upanishads there are ample evidences to support the Vedantic theory that 'Creation is not an production' and the relation between the world and the Truth is not a relation between a cause and its effect.

The Vedantic Masters --- both the Seers of ancient and the Acharyas of our own times ---- unanimously point out that the multiple world of objects is only a 'super-imposition' upon the Reality.

In producing the 'ghost', the 'post'has not undergone any change; similarly, in the emergence of the finite, the Infinite has come to suffer no change.

Therefore, when the appearances of the finite world  of plurality have at the realisation of the Infinite rolled away, the Infinite"that "
remains is the "whole".

Next : Final discussion 'summation' ...

To be continued  ...  

Swami Chinmayananda third from the left of photo with Swami Sivananda on his right front


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