
Showing posts from September, 2024

Meditation According to the Upanishads -3. Swami Krishnananda.

=================================================================================== Sunday 15,  September  2024, 06:15. Article Scriptures Meditation According to the Upanishads -3.  Swami Krishnananda. (Spoken on January 14th, 1973) Post-3. =================================================================================== The Mandukya Upanishad is an analysis of the states of consciousness, as the Vedantic meditation of the Upanishads is mainly a meditation on Consciousness. Consciousness is the Supreme Being, prajnanam brahma; therefore, a study of Consciousness is imperative for meditation on Consciousness. The bound soul is a state of consciousness, the liberated soul is also a state of consciousness, and meditation is a condition of consciousness. The whole of the Upanishadic teaching is, therefore, a huge essay on consciousness. Thus, entering into a study of the states of consciousness, the Mandukya Upanishad gives us a beautiful exposition of at least three of the strata of co

The Secret of the Katha Upanishad: 19 - Swami Krishnananda.

=================================================================================== Saturday  14, September 2024, 07:15. Upanishads: The Secret of the Katha Upanishad:  Swami Krishnananda. Discourse No. 3 Post - 19. =================================================================================== Now, the Guru should have a double qualification. He must be living what he teaches, and also he should have the power to express what he knows. That is a brahmanishtha and a shrotriya, beautifully blended. Such a person is an ananya. You have no other alternative than this. You approach a Guru who is established in the knowledge which he has acquired, in whom knowledge has become a part of his being and life and practice, and who has also the blessing of the power of expression; otherwise, this truth cannot be known. This knowledge cannot be obtained through mere study for oneself, by private enterprise, merely. It requires the grace of a Master. Knowledge acquired through a Guru is living

KENOPANISHAD -12: Swami Krishnananda.

Chinmaya Mission:  Chinmaya Mission Guyana hosted its first International Chinmaya Yuva Kendra (CHYK) Camp, welcoming over a dozen students from Guyana, Chinmaya Mission Trinidad and Tobago, Toronto, and the USA.  Each morning, the CHYKs studied the Medha Suktam and eagerly participated in Satsang with Swami Prakashananda, who expounded on the teachings of the Vibhishana Gita.  In the evenings, they visited nearby Mandirs, where Swamiji discussed various topics from the Sri Ramcharitamanas for the general public. During the day, the youth engaged in Seva at the ashram, which included preparing and cooking meals, assisting with the Bhagavad Gita Children’s Camp, and taking part in various fun activities.  Additionally, many CHYKs and Sevaks explored the beauty of Guyana through tours, including a memorable plane ride to the magnificent Kaieteur Falls.  The camp offered a unique blend of spiritual learning, community service, and adventure, creating an enriching experience that deepened

The Chhandogya Upanishad - 65: Swami Krishnananda.

Chinmaya Mission Mumbai We began the study of "Logic of Spirituality" by Poojya Gurudev Swami Chinmayanandaji on 1st September 2024(Sunday). Its a weekly discussion group or CHYK Class for Teenagers & Youth (12yrs to 30yrs).   The first class began with some ice-breaker games and introductions.  Then we discussed about what is logic? can logic and spirituality go together or do they contradict each other? What is spirituality?   Some interesting discussions we had. Some said that Logic and spirituality cannot go together because spirituality is about belief and faith. Logic is about reasoning. Some said they cannot go together because spirituality is deeper or greater than logic.  Others said they cannot go together because spirituality is in the realm of Bhavana or deeper feelings.  A few people said they can go together because there is reasoning behind spirituality also.  It was good to go deep into each of these opinions.  Logic was defined as the relationship between

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: 5 - Swami Krishnananda.

=================================================================================== Wednesday 11, September 2024, 06:30. Article Scriptures Upanishads The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad  Post-5. =================================================================================== The idea is that in all attractions, in all processes of contact of the subject with the object, it may be true that that the gunas of prakriti collide with the gunas of prakriti; but more profoundly, we may say that consciousness collides with consciousness. The sea of consciousness is everywhere in the universe. One eddy or wave of this consciousness is touching another. Why are we so much attracted towards things; and when we are pulled in the direction of something lovable or dear, we seem to lose our senses? We become crazy and mad. Why does it happen? It is because the whole universe is at the back of even this little drop of consciousness which appears as the object. A little wave that is rising up on the surfa

PRASHNA UPANISHAD -62 : Rishi Pippala.

Chinmaya Mission : Swami Swaroopananda recently conducted a Hanuman Chalisa Maha Yagna in Nairobi, Kenya, with the theme of ‘Go Beyond Your Goal’. The talks were well-received, and the audience attendance increased every day. Swamiji explained the meaning and significance of the Hanuman Chalisa, as well as the impact of chanting the verses with faith and devotion. He recommended the attendees to chant the Hanuman Chalisa daily, seven times a week on either Tuesday or Saturday, and 100 times once a year or at least once in a lifetime. A children’s camp on Hanumanji was held concurrently with the talks, where children engaged with stories, bhajans, chanting, games, and activities based on Hanumanji. The camp was a success, with the number of children increasing from 48 to 117 by the end of the week. The children left with a strong role model that they could look up to throughout their lives. The event concluded on Hanuman Jayanti, which was celebrated with Hanuman Janma celebrations and

TAITTIRIYA UPANISHAD – 64. Rishi Yajnavalkya.

=============================================================================== Monday  09, September 2024, 06:30. Taittiriya Upanishad Part-2. BRAHMANANDA VALLI PART 2: 9 No. Anuvakas (Chapters) THE BLISS THAT IS BRAHMAN Post - 64. ================================================================================= UPANISHAD SARA SANGRAH  Anuvaka 2.3 : From Pranamaya to Manomaya  The Essence of the Upanishads: ================================================================================== “Satyam, Jnaanam, Anantam, Brahman”  Bhashya A:  “On the Nature of BRAHMAN”  Coverage ================================================================================= “PANCHA KOSHA VIVARANAM”  Bhashya B:  “The Differentiation of the Five Sheaths”  Coverage:  From 2.1.4 – 2.6.2 (crosses 5 Anuvakas)  Mantram -  2.3.1:Shruti Quotation on Prana  =================================================================================== Anuvaka 2.3 : From Pranamaya to Manomaya  Mantram -  2.3.4: Human Form Chara