
Showing posts from July, 2024

The Chhandogya Upanishad - 60: Swami Krishnananda.

====================================================================================== Thursday 04, Jul 2024. 06:20. Chapter 4: An Analysis of the Nature of the Self Section 12: The Self as Spirit Mantram-4 continued Post-60. ==================================================================================== Mantram-4 Atha yatraitad-akasam anuvisannam caksuh,  sa caksusah purusah darsanaya caksuh, atha yo veda idam jighrantiti,  sa atma gandhaya ghranam,  atha yo veda idam abhivyaharaniti sa atma,  abhivyaharaya vak, atha yo veda idam srnavaniti,  sa atma, sravanaya srotram. ===================================================================================== This eye is only an instrument of perception. What sees an object is not the eye. What sees through the eye is the same thing as that which hears through the ear. The eye cannot hear and the ear cannot see, and so are the functions of the other senses limited to their respective domains. There is a distinction among the functions

The Essence of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: 23. Swami Krishnananda.

=================================================================================== Wednesday 03, July 2024, 07:40. Scriptures Upanishads The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad  Chapter 6: The Principles of Meditation-3 Chapter 7: The Principles of Meditation - 1. Post-23. =================================================================================== The third weakness is the finding of joy in the suffering of others, the inflicting of pain upon others, cruelty of any kind, harm done to others. This is the demoniacal instinct, whereby we get enraged and commit violence upon other living beings. The tendency to wreak vengeance, do harm or injury, bring about destruction in respect of others, is a weakness—the worst one. Greed by which one appropriates things to oneself is a weakness, and attachment to things, the great passion for objects, is another weakness. As long as these weaknesses preponderate in oneself, spiritual aspiration is out of question, God-realisation is far from one's r

PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 57: Rishi Pippala.

Chinmaya Mission:  3 June 2024, a recent tornado tore through the town of Tongaat on the north coast of Kwazulu Natal, causing widespread destruction of various residential suburbs, including homes and other infrastructure.  Chinmaya Mission South Africa's ashram in Chatsworth, located approximately 60 kilometers from Tongaat, became a drop-off point for items donated by the nearby community to provide assistance and relief to the affected residents of Tongaat. The Nourish to Flourish team contributed to the disaster relief effort and personally delivered all the hampers to the Vishwaroop Temple in Tongaat on Sunday, 9 June 2024.  In total, 315 hot meals were prepared and delivered by the N2F volunteers.  Bramacharini Kaushiki, along with other dedicated N2F volunteers, attended the event.  The recipients expressed deep gratitude to Chinmaya Mission and especially to the N2F team for their support. ================================================================================== #