The Chhandogya Upanishad - 62: Swami Krishnananda.

=================================================================================== Thursday 01, Aug 2024. 06:20. Chapter 4: An Analysis of the Nature of the Self Section 12: The Self as Spirit Mantras-5&6 continued Post-62. =================================================================================== So, Prajapati's instruction is a universal instruction that the Atman is present in every state. Even in the so-called unconscious state, it is there. The unconsciousness is not of the Atman. It is of the mind. It is a kind of stifling taking place in the finitude of individuality. The finitising principle we call the mind, and that gets suffocated, as it were. It closes its eyes in sleep, in coma, and even in death in a state of unconsciousness which cannot be attributed to the Atman. So, this is the difficulty with us. Now the transcendent state which the great master Prajapati speaks of as bodiless, free from embodiment, is capable of being attained by means of certain di...