MUNDAKA UPANISHAD - 56. Swami Advayananda.


Sunday 14, Jul 2024. 06:20.
6 Chapters (64 Mantras)
Here begins the second Section of the Third Canto. 
(Mantras -54-64, 11 no.) 
6.2: Effects of Desire & Desirelessness
Post - 56.


6.2: Effects of Desire & Desirelessness:

kaamaan yah kaamayate =Whoever longs for objects of desire,  

manyamaanah, = and broods over them, 


sah kaamabhih = he, due to those desires,     

jaayate tatra tatra; =  is born here and there; 

paryaapta kaamasya = But he whose longings  have finally found

kritaat-manah tu, = consummation in the Self, 

iha eva sarve = even here, in this life, all   

pravileeyanti kaamaah. =  his desires vanish once and for all. 


The next accessory added to our list is Paryaapta Kaamasya, freedom from desires. 

This is the most important step in spiritual life on this path of Self-Knowledge. Brahma Jnana 

goes hand in hand with renunciation. Renunciation characterizes this path. 


 This line refers to the person who gives up the sense objects externally, but broods 

over them in his mind. The Bhagavad Geeta speaks of this as being hypocrisy.  


 Such persons are born here and there, i.e. on earth and in the heavenly worlds, in 

the sense of a vicious cycle that has no end.  The rebirth could take any form, not 

necessarily human. The criterion would be that birth which would be most suited for the 

fulfillment of the deep-seated desires. 


 “Consummation in the Self” means that the sage has found all the happiness and 

Bliss he needs in the Self, and is not in need of resorting to objects to satisfy them. This is 

the supreme state or culmination of dispassion. 


 The point being made is to show the contrast between the desireless seeker and 

the one full of desire. They earn diametrically opposite fruits. The desireless perdon gets it 

now and here while in the body. He gets liberation while still living. This is in contrast to the 

fruits earned by one who has desires. He has to wait for death before his desires can be 

fulfilled, e.g. going to heaven. 



56 - Mantram 6.3:  Aspiration Brings Revelation 




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