PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 57: Rishi Pippala.

Chinmaya Mission: 

3 June 2024, a recent tornado tore through the town of Tongaat on the north coast of Kwazulu Natal, causing widespread destruction of various residential suburbs, including homes and other infrastructure. 

Chinmaya Mission South Africa's ashram in Chatsworth, located approximately 60 kilometers from Tongaat, became a drop-off point for items donated by the nearby community to provide assistance and relief to the affected residents of Tongaat.

The Nourish to Flourish team contributed to the disaster relief effort and personally delivered all the hampers to the Vishwaroop Temple in Tongaat on Sunday, 9 June 2024. 

In total, 315 hot meals were prepared and delivered by the N2F volunteers. 

Bramacharini Kaushiki, along with other dedicated N2F volunteers, attended the event. 

The recipients expressed deep gratitude to Chinmaya Mission and especially to the N2F team for their support.


#6 Questions, 67 Mantras: “Questions from Disciples Answered.”


Query No 5: “The Development of Power” 


Tuesday 02, July 2024. 06:30.
Mantram - 5.7: Sruti Quotation: Summarising this Chapter 


Mantram - 5.7: Sruti Quotation: Summarising this Chapter 


5.7.1 i) The Apara Vidya Path of Return: 

Rigbhih etam, = This world is attained by the Rig Mantras, 

yajurbhih antariksham, =  the intermediate region by the Yajur Mantras, 

saamabhih yat tat  = and the heavenly region by the Sama Mantras – 

kavayah vedayante; = these  are known to the wise. 


5.7.2 ii) The Para Vidya Path of No Return 

tam omkaarena eva; = By means of the syllable Om is also reached  

aayatanena anveti vidvaan, =  another Goal by the wise one while in his body: 

yat tat shaantam, ajaram, = It is That Reality filled with Peace, beyond old age, 

amritam, abhayam = Free from death, bestows fearlessness 

param cha iti. =  and is the Supreme Being Himself!


This is the second verse being quoted, and supports mantras 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5. It acts as 

a summary of what has been covered in this chapter. 


Apara Vidya:


 These first half of the verse covers the Apara Vidya, the “inferior” Brahman. In a 

manner identical to that of sage Pippalada, it speaks of the different Lokas one goes to when 

the meditation on Om is done for one, two or three Matras separately.  


 When one Matra (“A”) is meditated on, it represents the Earth-plane attained by 

the Rig Mantras, as in 5.3. 


 When two Matras (“A & U”) are meditated on, it represents the intermediate 

region or Space which stands for the lower heavenly region up to Pitru Loka, the Abode of 

the Forefathers. This is attained by the Yajur Mantras.


 When all three Matras are meditated upon separately, the higher heavenly region 

up to and including Brahmaloka is attained, through the Sama Veda Mantras. 


 Vedayante: “the intelligent ones ”. These are intelligent, learned ones who follow 

the Apara Vidya, and who are well-versed in the Karma and Upasana Kanda of the Vedas. 

They practice the Om Upasana on its own, without accompanying it with knowledge of the 

Self. They are eligible only for these threefold regions just described.  

However, there is also the Para Vidya which is practiced by the very wise ones . . . 


Para Vidya:


 These lines cover the Para Vidya

 . By the very same Om Upasana done with all 

three Matras together (“with the aid of Om”), and accompanying it with the knowledge of 

the Self, the wise one reaches the realm that is beyond the Om sound symbol. This is the 

“superior” Brahman, the non-dual Ultimate Reality. 


 Vidvaan: “the wise ones”. These are the ones who desire only the Supreme. They 

have completely renounced all worldly pleasures. They are the highest calibre of seekers of 

God. Note that in their case, Om is used only as “an AID” to reach the Supreme. 

Aayatanena: While the Apara Vidya goal is attained only after one’s death, the Para 

Vidya Goal is attained while one still lives in his present body, in this birth itself!  


 This Goal of Para Vidya is the Ultimate Reality, called here as Tat. This Reality is 

described as best as possible through the following list of words: 

Shaantam: total quietness and serenity; 

Ajaram: unborn; or beyond old age; 

Amritam: immortal; eternal; having no death, because it is not born. 

Abhayam: fearless, because there is no “other” to be feared. 

Param: the Highest, Supreme, Ultimate; this is the same as saying Non-Dual. 

The verse also can be read to mean that the sage who chants OM correctly in full, 

can use the Mantra to take him to any plane he wishes at will, because he sees no 

differences in them at all. He is ever rooted in the consciousness of Brahman, which 

pervades everything. This integrated attitude is the essential feature for chanting OM 

‘correctly’, i.e. together as one syllable. 


Concluding Anecdote from Guruji:

 A landlady was interviewing a customer for a room in her home. She asked him 

various questions. Landlady: “Are you single?” Client: “Yes.” L: “That is very good. It means 

there will be less noise. Do you get lots of visitors?” C: “No.” L: “Oh, good, I don’t like too 

many people coming here, so that’s fine. Do you have any pets?” C: “No, I have never kept 

any.” L: “Oh, that is wonderful, you know pets can be quite bothersome. Do you keep any 

birds or parrots or anything like that?” C: “No, nothing like that.” L: “Oh, very good. Do you 

play loud music?” C: “No”. L: “Oh, that is just perfect. I’d say you can have the room.” C: 

“Madam, I might as well tell you, I have an old fountain pen I use for writing. It makes a little 

noise as it writes. Is that O.K. with you?” 

Guruji’s conclusion: “Such a landlady, being a fitting candidate, should be advised to meditate on OM!” 

Thus ends the Fifth Question in Prashna Upanishad.



SUKESHAA’S QUESTION : Query No 6: The Source of Power




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