MUNDAKOUPANISHAD - 57. Swami Advayananda.


Sunday 28, Jul 2024. 07:00.
6 Chapters (64 Mantras)
Here begins the second Section of the Third Canto. 
(Mantras -54-64, 11 no.) 
Mantram-56: 6.3:  Aspiration Brings Revelation 
Post - 57.


56 - Mantram 6.3:  Aspiration Brings Revelation: ayam aatmaa pravachanena labhyah, = This Self cannot be attained through hearing discourses; 

2. na medhayaa, na bahunaa shrutena; = nor through memorizing scriptural texts, nor through much learning. 

3. yam eva eshah vrinute tena labhyah, = Only he who Aspires for it with his whole heart, by him is this Self attained. 

4. tasya eshah aatmaa vivrinute  tanum svaam. = To such a one, this Self Reveals Its true nature of its own accord. 


The Bhashyam suggests that perhaps some people may feel that Self-realisation, being 
the highest of all attainments, would require a great deal of study of scriptures. 
Is this so? 


 Study of the scriptures is, no doubt, essential for the right understanding to dawn 

in order to launch into deeper spiritual practices. However, what is not recommended here 

is the excessive study that is done for study’s sake alone, unaccompanied by any Sadhana. 

By that the Atman cannot be realized. 


 The same statement and context apply to the power of comprehension and 

memorization of texts and the hearing of many lectures on the subject; when these also are 

overdone or done for the wrong reason, they do not help in our spiritual growth. Indeed, 

they may prove to be counter-helpful to the goal if prompted by the ego. Acharyaji advised 

us that we should not allow this statement to stop us from studying. Rather, it should make 

us more conscious of the need to balance study with Sadhana. 

God is a Matter of Demand & Supply:


 Above all accessories to the spiritual journey, the foremost has to be Vrinute or 

yearning for God. All efforts have to be accompanied by a deep yearning for God. The 

yearning makes the Self attainable. This key point should never be overlooked. 


 If the demand for God is strong enough, then the supply comes automatically. 

That is the essence of this Pada. Vrinute may be thought of as the demand for God. If it is there, 

then the supply or Vivrinute, the self-revealing of the Self, has to follow. This Self of the 

aspirant reveals its supreme nature to the one who yearns for It. 

Thus we learn that our constant prayer for the consummation of our spiritual 

Sadhana, to the exclusion of everything else, is what really takes us to the goal. 



57 - Mantram - 6.4: More Qualities that Are Needed




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