PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 58: Rishi Pippala.


#6 Questions, 67 Mantras: “Questions from Disciples Answered.”


Query No 6: The Source of Power

Tuesday 16, Jul 2024. 05:40.


SUKESHAA’S QUESTION: Query No 6: The Source of Power : 

WE ARE TRYING TO understand the Reality via the intellect. There is nothing wrong 

in this method, and it can even be said that it is the only way available to man in bondage. A 

great boost to that enquiry is provided by the equal development of our devotion to the 

Lord through the forms of Upasana taught in the previous chapters of this Upanishad. 

Philosophy & Upasanas – A “Vedic Sandwich”:

 Pujya Gurudev says, “The student is made to practise Upasana hand in hand with 

regular doses of philosophical contemplations.” 

At Sandeepany in Mumbai, Gurudev has created for us, the students, ideal 

conditions that combine both these elements of Sadhana. Twice a day, there are the 

Vedanta sessions. These two sessions are like the two slices of bread of a sandwich. But 

“Man does not live by bread alone.” The tasty fillings in the “Vedic-sandwiches” are 

provided by three chanting sessions each day, which are like butter, cheese and tomatoes 

on the bread! On some days, we add the “salt and pepper” of cultural programmes of 

drama and dance, with the “chutney” of well-spiced humour to go with it!  

There is Vedic chanting early in the morning, when sacred hymns composed by the 

great Rishis are chanted by the whole group. Various Suktams are chanted with a knowledge 

of their meanings, which make a big impact on our spirit of devotion. During the half-hour 

before lunch, there is more chanting of common Vedic hymns. In the evening, there is the 

half-hour for Arati to Lord Jagadeeshwara. Finally, just before supper, everyone sits together 

for Kirtans and Bhajans, and a forty-minute talk on the Srimad Bhagavatam, which provides 

us with devotional stories with all the philosophy weaved into them. 

The end result of this “Vedic sandwich” is that the two, Bhakti and Jnana, become 

inseparably imprinted on our minds. It is a perfect “balanced diet”. The head and the heart 

are trained together along the path to God.  

Pujya Gurudev has incorporated at Sandeepany the words given in his commentary 

on this chapter: “It is the responsibility of the teacher to make the student evolve sufficiently 

through Upasanas so that he can better grasp the Reality through intuitive experience. The 

student is made to practise Upasana hand in hand with regular doses of contemplation.” 

With this introduction we come to the final chapter of this Upanishad. This is the 

chapter which teaches the famous “16 Kalas” or expressions of the Supreme Consciousness. 

These are expressions or manifestations of the Divine which are well-known to us in Life. 

Through them we have a link to the core of the whole creation – the Supreme Reality. 

The Kalas may be thought of as a manifestation of the Lord’s compassion. When 

sincere souls wish to return to their true spiritual Home, it is the Kalas that draw them back 

safely and securely into the loving arms of the Divinity at the heart of Creation. 



Mantram - 6.1: The Sixth Question: by Sukesha 




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