==========================================================================================Wednesday 10, Jul 2024. 07:00.
The First Mundaka:
Second Khanda
Mantras: 6&7
Mantram - No. 6:
Like spokes centred in the hub of a wheel, all nerve-centres are centred in consciousness. This one consciousness of the Atman seems to appear in various forms. Meditate on this Atman as OM. May there be blessedness to you all on your way across darkness.
When a person appears to have a certain quality, it must be understood that this quality is of the mind and not of the Atman. When it is said that a person is happy or sorry, pleased or displeased, it means that the mind of the person has taken certain forms. As all forms are changes felt within, they cannot belong to the nature of the Atman. Every experience is a fluctuation of the mind, good, bad or otherwise, in relation to the individual. Because of the intimate relationship that is between the Atman and the mind, it appears as though the whole person changes when the mind changes itself. This is the reason why a person says, “I am happy”, “I am sorry”, etc., though in essence these conditions do not belong to the person at all. This Atman, which is distinct from the functions of the mind, should be meditated upon through the symbol of Om. The meditators, as it was already described, are those who have withdrawn themselves from the impulse for desire and action through an intense yearning for the attainment of Absolute Knowledge. So that obstacles may not impede the free progress of the disciple, the preceptor blesses them with auspiciousness for the sake of reaching the other shore of darkness, i.e., the attainment of the light of the Self.
Mantram - No. 7:
He who is Omniscient and all-knowing, whose glory extends even to the earth, is established in the ether of the heart, or the divine city of Brahman. The guider of the mind and the Pranas and the mover of the body is seated in the core of every individual. Through the knowledge of that Supreme Principle, the great heroes behold that which shines as Bliss and Immortality.
The glory of this Atman extends to the earth, because even the individuals inhabiting the earth reflect certain characteristics belonging to the Atman. The main characteristics of the Atman are indivisibility, absoluteness, eternity, immortality and pure existence. The special natures which characterise the aforesaid essential, self-identical qualities of the Atman are consciousness and the freedom of perfection. All these natures are reflected in the individual in one way or the other.
Mantram - No 8:
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