Introduction :-2.

In the 'Brhadaranyaka' Upanishad we find that the 'Vedas are described as breathed out
( nihsvasitam ) by the Supreme Lord.

By this term, it is suggested that to the Divine Author it was as easy, natural and effortless as breathing in to us, and also that the Veda is the very 'breath of God' ... in the sense that if there be no Veda then the concept of God also will end; no breathing, no existence is the inexorable law of life.

Vedas are the eternal books of knowledge of the Hindus, and they are compiled and edited in the book form in four distinct volumes- the Rg-Veda, the Yajur-Veda, the Sama-Veda and the Atharvana-Veda.

Each of these Vedas has in itself three distinct divisions as the Mantras, the Brahmanas, and the Upanishads.

Of these divisions, made according to the themes discussed therein, towards the end of each of the four textbooks are appended the 'Upanishads'.

Introduction : to be continued ...


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