Introduction : 5.

As the very word Upanishad indicates , we have to sit ( Sad ) near ( upa) a Master at his feet (ni), and get ourselves initiated into the sacred mysteries expressed through indications provided by the wizardly language of the scriptures.

We shall be taking a very careful note of all these ideas regarding the style of language, and the theme during our discussions upon the Mantras.

Work for Worship :

From times inmemorial, the way of right living had beena srious question with all thoughtful generations and, temperaments of the people.

It is not an exclusive problem that is facing us today when we discuss in the press as well as on the platforms whether we are to be secular or spiritual.

These words may be new to us; the problem may look like a new weapon forged at the anvil of our times.

But the fundamental idea underlying them is eternal and is ever the same.

This problem can be solved only when we have found out for ourselves an answer to the great question :

" What is the goal of life and what should be the aim of existence?"

Is life to be spent in self-denial, renunciation, and soul-seeking, or, is it to be a lifelong sincere struggle to serve ourselves and those around us for our material needs and physical happiness?

Is life to be spent in walking the path of 'Renunciation or in striving on the Path of Action' ?

To be continued ...  


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