MANDUKYA UPANISHAD : Chapter-1. "AGAMA PRAKARANA" ( The Scriptural Treatise ) Mantram-2, Discussion- 11.




( The Scriptural Treatise )


"Sarvam  hyetad  Brahma,  ayam-atma Brahma,
so' yam-atma  catuspat."

sarvam - all;

hi - indded;

etat -this;

brahma - this (is)  BRAHMAM;

ayam atma brahma - this Self ( ATMA IN US ) is BRAHMAM;

sah - That ( BRAHMAM );

ayam atma - ( which is ) this Self ( ATMA IN US );

catuspat - ( is ) covered with four quarters ( PARTS ).

"All this is verily BRAHMAM. This is BRAHMAM. This JIVATMA ( ATMA WITHIN US ) has four quarters ( parts )."


Similarly, the fathers of our ancient culture, in trying to quench the thirst-for-knowledge in the disciple-class of seekers, had to point out the Absolute Truth  in and through the various manifestations, through which the Reality seems to express Itself.

An uttempt is made in Mandukya Upanishad by the great Rishi-s to explain to us the Brahmam or tha Atma through its manifestations.

Preparing the students for this discourse the illusrious Rishi says "this Ata has four quarters ( Pada-s   i.e, parts."

To be continued ...


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