MANDUKYA UPANISHAD : Chapter-1. "AGAMA PRAKARANA" ( The Scriptural Treatise ) Mantram-2, Discussion- 14.




( The Scriptural Treatise )


"Sarvam  hyetad  Brahma,  ayam-atma Brahma,
so' yam-atma  catuspat."

sarvam - all;

hi - indded;

etat -this;

brahma - this (is)  BRAHMAM;

ayam atma brahma - this Self ( ATMA IN US ) is BRAHMAM;

sah - That ( BRAHMAM );

ayam atma - ( which is ) this Self ( ATMA IN US );

catuspat - ( is ) covered with four quarters ( PARTS ).

"All this is verily BRAHMAM. This is BRAHMAM. This JIVATMA ( ATMA WITHIN US ) has four quarters ( parts )."


Similarly, on analysing  the subjective life of man, we find that there are three planes of Consciousness in which we ravel daily, the waking, the dream, and the deep-sleep; and yet, when to these we add the fourth Turiyam plane of Consciousness, transcending the previous three, the entire merges into one, to become the Whole.

In that Atma, there is neither the waker, nor the dreamer, nor the deep-sleeper.

It is this idea that has been indicated by the mantram when it says that the Atma has four quarters.

When they are, how they behave, and what are their fields of activity, are all to be described later on.

Discussion ENDS.

Next : Mantram-3.

To be continued ...


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