MANDUKYA UPANISHAD : Chapter-1. "AGAMA PRAKARANA" ( The Scriptural Treatise ) Mantram-3, Discussion- 2.




( The Scriptural Treatise )


Jagarita-sthano bahih prajnah saptanga

ekona-vimsati-mukhah sthula-bhuk

vaisvanarah prathamah padah.


Jagarita-sthano : one whose field is waking state;

bahih prajnah : who is conscious of the external;

sapta angah : has seven limbs;

ekona vimsati mukhah : has nineteen mouths;

sthula-bhuk : experiencer of gross objects;

vaisvanarah : (is) vaisvanara;

prathamah : first;

padah ; quarter.


The first quarter (pada) is Vaisvanara whose sphere of activity is the waking state, who is conscious of the external world of objects, who has seven limbs and ninteen mouths, and who enjoys the gross objects of the world.


{ Please read the Discussion-1. and proceed next D-2. }



The scientists of the materialistic world have taken up for themselves the world-of-objects as their field of enquiry, while the Bharatiya Rishis have taken up the world-of-subjects for their enquiry.


During their enquiries in the inner world, as a logical sequence, they came to recognise "the three facets of life," the waking, the the dream, and the deep-sleep.


In these threeb planes of 'Consciousness,' we also find that, in each one of them we act differentlyn as though we in ourselves are three different entities.


The 'waker' in us is different from the dreamer in us, and the sleeper in usis yet a third entity different from the ego we associate ourselves with, both in our waking and dream states!

To be continued ....



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