MANDUKYA UPANISHAD : Chapter-1. "AGAMA PRAKARANA" ( The Scriptural Treatise ) Mantram-3, Discussion-7.




( The Scriptural Treatise )


Jagarita-sthano bahih prajnah saptanga

ekona-vimsati-mukhah sthula-bhuk

vaisvanarah prathamah padah.

word by meaning :

Jagarita-sthano : one whose field is waking state;

bahih prajnah : who is conscious of the external;

sapta angah : has seven limbs;

ekona vimsati mukhah : has nineteen mouths;

sthula-bhuk : experiencer of gross objects;

vaisvanarah : (is) vaisvanara;

prathamah : first;

padah : quarter.


The sum of Mantram :

The first quarter (pada) is Vaisvanara whose sphere of activity is the waking state, who is conscious of the external world of objects, who has seven limbs and ninteen mouths, and who enjoys the gross objects of the world.


Discussion :- 7.

We are told in the beginning that the "Atma is tha Brahmam;"  the individual ego is the Total Ego; the limited Self is the Universal Self.

Therefore it is but natural that the Vedantam can hold its ground when it is firmly rooted on the theory that Microcosm ( Vyashti ) is the Macrocosm ( Samashti ).

In order to prove this, the Upanishad is describing that the Waking-state-ego, meaning the Atma manifesting through the gross body " Vaisvanara, is also of 'Seven limbs'. "

To be continued ....


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