UPANISHAD MANDUKYA : Chapter-1. Agama Prakarana ( The Scriptural Treatise ) Sri Gaudapada's glossary begins : Karika Mantram-s 1 to 9. Mantram-5 : Discussion-1


Mandukya Upanishad :

Chapter-1. Agama Prakarana ( The Scriptural Treatise )

Sri Gaudapada's glossary begins :

Karika Slokam-s 1 to 9.

Mantram : 5.

"Trishu dhamashu yad-bhojyam
bhokta yas-ca prakirtitah
vedai-tad-ubhayam yashtu sa
bhunjano na lipyate."

trishu dhamashu - in the three planes of consciousness;
yat bhojyam - that (which is) to be enjoyed;
bhokta - the enjoyer;
ca - and;
yah prakirtitah - that who is known;
veda - knows;
ubhayam etat - both of them;
yah - who;
tu - indeed;
sah - that (person);
bhunjanah - while enjoying;
na - not;
lipyate - affected.

" One who knows both the experiencer and the experienced, just as they have been described so far, as associating with the three states of consciousness, he is not at all affected even when he is experiencing (enjoying) the respective objects of the three states."

Here we should not understand that a mere intellectual grasp of the three egos or mere academic knowledge of what all the Upanishad has explained will take us to that state of perfection wherein we will become untouched by our karmam or by the finite experiences of the world.

For example, you havev all heard and understood  what Upanishad had to say; merely because you have heard it, you cannot experience the state of tranquil poise in all conditions of life.

It is to be realised  - blissfully understood with a living experience gained through a process of meditation.

Reading a cookery-book is no remedy for hunger.


Thus, we have understood the paly of three egos in the waking-state, dream-state, and the deep-sleep-state.

When we have correctly understood that these three states cannot function but for the Reality behind them i.e., the pure Consciousness or Awareness ( ATMAN) and when we realised, in the living experience of Samadhi, that the Atman is our Real nature, thereafter, the experiences in the three planes cannot involve us either in sorrow or in joy.

To be continued ..


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