UPANISHAD MANDUKYA : Chapter-1. Agama Prakarana : Karika Mantram -11.1


#Swami Chinmayananda,  #1950s,  #Discourse, #Gita-Yagjnam
Mandukya Upanishad :
Chapter-1. Agama Prakarana ( The Scriptural Treatise )
Sri Gaudapada's glossary :
Karika Mantram-s 10 to 18.
tavishyete visva-taijasau.
prajnah karana-baddhas-tu dvau
tau turye na siddhytah."
karya = the effect;
karana = the cause;
baddhau = conditioned by;
tau = are both;
ishyete = concidered to be;
visva-taijasau = visva and taijasa;
prajnah = prajna;
karana-baddhah = conditioned by the cause alone;
tu = but;
dvau tau = both of them;
turye = in turiya;
na siddhytah = do not exist.
Translation :  Visva and Taijasa are both conditioned by cause and effect. But Prajna is conditioned by cause alone. These two (cause and effect) do not exist in Turiya.

Discussion : 1.

Cause is tha state in which the effects are in it, yet in condition of unmanifestation. When the effects are maifested out the cause, the cause is invariably disappears and becomes the effect.

Visva or the waking-state-ego is conditioned by both the cause and the effect.

The cause here, in the world of spirituality, is the "Ignorance" (AVIDYA) of our Real Nature.

Not knowing that we are the Eternal and the Immortal, the All Pervading Pure Consciousness, we have projected ourselves out of ourselves to see a world-of-objects.

And then, getting ourselves enmeshed in these objects, with with our attachment and hatred, with our likes and dislikes towards them, we live the life of the waking state, perplexed, agitated and torn asunder between the life's sorrows and joys!
To be continued ...     



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