UPANISHAD MANDUKYA : Chapter-1. Agama Prakarana : Karika Mantram -11. Discourse-3.


Mandukya Upanishad :
Chapter-1. Agama Prakarana ( The Scriptural Treatise )
Sri Gaudapada's glossary :
Karika Mantram-s 10 to 18.

Sri Gaudapada - (c. 8th century CE) (also referred as Shri Gaudapadacharya) was a very early guru in the tradition of Advaita Vedanta school of Hindu philosophy. He is traditionally said to have been the grand-guru of the great teacher Adi Shankara, one of the most important figures in Hindu philosophy and also believed to be the founder of Shri Gaudapadacharya Math.
Karika Mantram - 11.

tavishyete visva-taijasau.
prajnah karana-baddhas-tu dvau
tau turye na siddhytah."
Translation - by word

karya = the effect;
karana = the cause;
baddhau = conditioned by;
tau = are both;
ishyete = concidered to be;
visva-taijasau = visva and taijasa;
prajnah = prajna;
karana-baddhah = conditioned by the cause alone;
tu = but;
dvau tau = both of them;
turye = in turiya;
na siddhytah = do not exist.
Translation of the Mantram :  Visva and Taijasa are both conditioned by cause and effect. But Prajna is conditioned by cause alone. These two (cause and effect) do not exist in Turiya.

Discussion : 3. on Mantram-11.

If both Visva and Teijasa are thus conditioned by the cause and effect, in what way is the Prajna, the 'sleeper,'different from the 'waker' and the 'dreamer'?

It is pointed out that the sllp-state-ego is conditioned merely by the cause.

During deep-sleep-state, we are not aware of any objects or any world of plurality.

In deep-sleep, we are aware only of one main negative homogenous 'idea; "Ido not know."

A continuous unbroken thought of "I do not know" is all that we know, and therefore, in the deep-sleep-state we experience nothing but ignorance.

Ignorance of our reality is, we have found, the cause of the entire world of mischief and misunderstanding, plurality, and finitude.

Therefore, the sleeper is conditioned by ignorance only and not by the effects of ignorance viz.; the waking and the dream world.     

To be continued ...     


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