PRASHNA UPANISHAD : 1.3 - by Rishi Pippalada



Saturday, April 30, 2022. 20:15.

#6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered

##KABANDHI’S QUESTION : Query No 1: “Matter & Energy”


Mantram- 1.3 The First Question  by Kabandhi

''Atha kabandhee kaatyaayana upetya papracchha;

Bhagavan, kutah ha  vaa imaah prajaah  prajaayanta iti.'


Translation :

 1.Atha kabandhee kaatyaayana upetya papracchha; = Then Kabandhi, the son of Katyayana, approached Pippalada and asked:

 2.Bhagavan, kutah ha vaa imaah prajaah  prajaayanta iti. = “O Revered, venerable Master,  whence are all these creatures  born?”


Commentary :

1 Atha : “then”, means ‘after the specified one year period’.

In philosophy, the subject matter discussed is usually classified into three categories:

God, the individual, and the world. Any point is taken up and the others follow in due

course. In this case the starting point is ‘The World’. From the outset, the attention is on the

outer world. But, given the background of the six students and their persistence to stay for a

full year just to tune up to the Master, one clearly senses something deeper in the question

2 It is not about the physical cause of birth. That would be too trivial. For that they

need not have come to a Guru. Here the underlying question is: “What is the purpose of this

Universe? Why have we taken birth here? To what purpose should we dedicate our lives?”



Mantram- 1.4 The Reply : Twin Aspects of Creation

To be continued ....



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