TAITTIRIYA UPANISHAD – 14. Rishi Yajnavalkya.



PART 1:  Chapters : 12.

Chapter - "pramaa aayantu brahmachaarinah swaahaa;"-1.On the Science of Pronunciation etc.

Section - "tatpramaa aayantu brahmachaarinah swaahaa;ah me shriyam aavah; "-

4  Necessity of intelligence and wealth .      


Friday, October 14, 2022. 07:00.
Mantram-3: Shree or Wealth.


Mantram - 1.4:3: Shree or Wealth.

yaso jane-sani svaha, sreyanvasyaso-sani svaha,

tam tva bhaga pravisani svaha,

sa ma bhaga pravisa svaha,

tasmin sahassreyanvasyaso-sani svaha, ra-sakheni bhagahamtrayi mrjesvaha,

yatha-''pah ravata-yanti yatha masa aharjaram,

evam mam brahmacarino

dhatara-yantu sarvatah svaha,

pratieso-'si pra ma bhahi pra ma padyasva.

[Iti caturtho'nuvakah]


Commentary :

Pujya Gurudev clarifies why wealth is being sought for by the Gurukula. He says: 

“Wealth in the hands of unprepared intellects and uncultured hearts is not only suicidal to 

them, but is a threat to the stability of society. In our world, political and economic 

problems can be traced to the lack of character in the rich.”

In this mantram, the teacher and student pray first for a strong bond between the Lord 

and them. Only after that is established is an appeal made for wealth. Thus wealth is seen to 

subserve the higher values of life, and not to compromise them. Sri Gurudev says, “The

 pre qualifications for wealth are full discrimination, good health, the spirit of tolerance, and an 

irresistible impatience to serve others. Without these, wealth becomes a dangerous weapon 

as a loaded pistol in the hands of an innocent child.”



Chapter-1.On the science of pronunciation etc.

Section-5.The mystic expression'Mahah'


To be continued 



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