PRASHNA UPANISHAD.14. - Rishi Pippalada.


Chinmaya Mission :

#Chinmaya Mission Members of Melbourne, Australia were blessed to have Pujya Swami Swaroopananda in their midst once again in 2022 for an interactive Satsang during his brief stop over before traveling to New Zealand.


#6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered”


Query No 1: “Matter & Energy”


Sunday, November 20,  2022. 06:00. 



Mantram - 1.14 D. Food as the Symbol of the Lord.

With Translation

1 Annam vai prajaapatih; tatah ha vai tad retas; = Food is indeed Prajapati. From which proceeds the semen in man.

2 tasmaat imaah prajaah prajaayanta iti. = From semen all these “desire-creatures” are brought forth.


Commentary :

This Mantram is a direct answer to Kabandhi’s question at the level of understanding of 

the common man: “Venerable Sir, whence are these creatures born?”

1 After all the different representations of Prajapati, the sage Pippalada finally 

converges on FOOD. If we recognize the presence of the Lord in food and the important role 

food plays in the quality of our life, it would be sufficient justification for this verse.

What we eat is what we are. Food imparts its quality to our minds. We are Sattwic, 

Rajasic or Tamasic according to the food we eat. And these three qualities determine 

whether we are heedless, passionate or self-restrained; given to sloth, indulgence or 

austerity; inclined towards lethargy, excitement, or peacefulness.

2 The essence of food is ultimately goes in the make-up of the semen produced by 

the body. This precious fluid is what determines the quality of the human being to be born 

from it. That puts all speculation aside and places the matter in the realm of one’s character. 

3-4 How people manifest their desires is totally governed by their character. One’s 

intentions at the time of conception are manifested in the new-born child. The mental state 

of the uniting couple determines the predominant Gunas in the offspring produced. For this 

reason, Hindu Dharma pays great attention to how the conceiving mother spends her time 

during pregnancy. Reading of religious literature and singing Kirtans is recommended by 

saints to attract a spiritual soul into the womb of the mother.


Mantram - 1.15 The Fruit of Self-Restraint 
To be continued



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