PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 19. - Rishi Pippalada.


#6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered”


Query No 2:

“The Supremacy of Power”


Sunday, February 12,  2023. 07:00. 

Mantram - 2.4 Prana Goes on ‘Strike’


Mantram : 2.4.

1 Sah abhimaanaad, oordhvam utkramata iva, = The Prana, from a sense of rectitude,  up and made as if it was going to leave.

2 tasmin utkraamati atha itare, sarva eva utkraamante = When it got up to go, then the others, all of them, also had to get up to go;

3 tasmin cha pratishtamaane, sarve eva pratishtante; = and when it remained in its place, all of them also remained!

4 Tad yathaa makshikaa = This is just what happens in the case of bees,

5 madhukara raajaanam utkraamantam,  sarvaa eva utkraamante; = when the Queen-bee gets up to leave the hive, all of them also have to get up to go;

6 tasmin cha pratishtamaane, sarvaa eva praatishtanta; = and when she returns to it, all of them also return!

7 evam vaang-manas-chakshuh shrotram cha, = In the same way, the speech, mind, eye and the ear, too,

8 te preetaa praanam stunvanti.  = had to please Prana and sing its praises! 


Bhashyam (Vyakyanam :

1 Prana decided to down tools and go on strike! He made as if he was going to leave. 

Of course, we know he wouldn’t do that, he is far too saintly to do such a thing.

A rather humorous scenario is being enacted – and all credit to the witty Rishi for 
having expressed himself in such a simple, childlike manner, and in poetry that is so 
symmetrical and appealing! 


2 Prana threatened to quit. As he got up to leave, the others came to there senses 
and pacified him. They knew that if he did leave, they too would have to depart from the 
body, for they cannot survive without the presence of Life!


3 It is only when there is presence of Prana that all the other organs are able to 
perform their respective functions. A computer may be able to do a hundred functions, but 
only as long as it is plugged to an electricity supply. Prana is like the electricity supply for the 
body’s functions.


4 Pippalada was quite happy to give the Queen Bee as his example, but Guruji had 
his own modern example : 


5-6 “It is like the politicians in our country. When the leader walks out of the Sabha, 
all his chamchas (teaspoons) walk out with him, even if they don’t know why! He might have 
just gone out for a cup of tea, or empty the previous cup – so they, too, all go out with him. 
If he thumps his hands on the table, they all do the same! That is what was happening with 
the Prana and the others.”


7-8 Continuing with Guruji’s example, the politicians behave in the same as the other 
Devas behaved towards Prana. The politicians know that their survival depends on their 
leader or Prime Minister. So, even if grudgingly, they praise him and sing his glories, just so 
that they remain in his good books, and so that they can keep their jobs!



From this point to the end of this chapter, we have 9 thrilling verses glorifying the 
Prana – an aspect at a time. Seven aspects are covered from mantras 2.5 to 2.11. The last two 
mantras(2.12-13) are a prayer for protection made to Prana in chorus by all the senses and 
mind. They have all come to their senses at last!

As we go through these mantras, we feel the very stature of Prana increasing in our 
mind. This Prana is certainly no ordinary Deva; he begins to resemble none other than God 
the Creator Himself. The sage is bringing home the truth about Prana as in a suspense movie 
– episode by episode, mantram by mantram!

Mantram - 2.5 i) Prana as All the Elements
To be continued



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