MUNDAKA UPANISHAD - 25. Swami Advayananda.


6 Chapters (64 Mantras)


(Mantras - 23-32, 10 no.



Monday, May 01, 2023. 08:00.


(Mantras - 23-32, 10 no.)

Thus begins the first Section of the Second Canto.

Post - 25.


25. Mantram - 3.3: Brahman as Hiranyagarbha – the Subtle Macrocosm


etasmaaj-jaayate praanah,   =  From Him (Brahman) are born the Prana,


manah sarvendriyaani cha;   =  the mind, and all the sense organs;


kham vaayu jyotir-aapah,   =  (and also the elements) sky, wind, fire, water,


prithivee vishwasya dhaarinee.   =  and earth which support all creation.


At first thought, this mantram seems to repeat the previous one. However, the Link passage of the Bhashya states the purpose of this mantram as follows : 

It is possible that the following doubt may exist in some people. Do the senses, 

Pranas, mind and intellect have an independent existence, different from the Supreme 

Brahman? If so, then Brahman will also possess these entities. But these do not exist in 

Brahman; in fact, they arise from Brahman. This is what is shown through this mantram.


The creation of the Subtle Body at Samashti or macrocosmic level is described 

here. The aim is to show that they cannot co-exist with Brahman. From Brahman in 

association with Maya arises Ishwara, the Creator. From Ishwara arises the five subtle 

elements or Tanmatras as listed in this verse. From those Tanmatras, arise the mind and the 

Pranas, from their Sattwic and Rajasic portions respectively. 

Thus the subtle creation is shown to arise from Brahman. The subtle creation is certainly not on equal terms with the Brahman. Brahman is at the top of the hierarchy. Subtle Body is Unreal

The Bhashya takes the above to its logical conclusion. It says that because the Subtle 

Body is not there before Creation, therefore it is not there even after Creation. In other 

words, its existence is in the realm of Unreality. The unreal cannot be said to exist. This is 

the hard line of reasoning that Sri Shankaracharyaji is well-known for. He is uncompromising 

when it comes to the definition of the Truth.

Thus these components of the Subtle Body do not exist in Brahman; they do not 

have their own reality; they are not really there; they are in the realm of names and forms 

only; and the reality behind them is Brahman.

The Chandogya Upanishad is quoted by Sri Shankaracharyaji to support this view. It 

is said there, “All is supported by speech only. They are all word-created.”

The logic was explained by Acharyaji as: “If a Brahmachari becomes a householder in 

dream, and has a son also in dream, can we give any reality to his marriage or to his son? In 

the same way, this subtle creation (needless to say, the gross creation as well) are 

unrealities that belong to the ‘dream’ of Brahman!”

The Bhashya considers the subtle body to be unreal for the simple reason that it is

‘born’ from Brahman.

26.Mantram - 3.4: Brahman as Virat – the Gross Macrocosmic Person.
To be continued




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