PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 52: Rishi Pippala.


#Swami Udit Chaithanya of Bhagavatham Village: Spiritual Discourse, at Vayanad district Kerala Annual celebration by Sanatana Dharma Satsangam.  


#6 Questions, 67 Mantras: “Questions from Disciples Answered.”


Query No 5: “The Development of Power” 


Saturday 20, Apr 2024. 06:15.
Mantram - 5.2:  Omkar – Both Higher & Lower Brahman


Mantram - 5.2:  Omkar – Both Higher & Lower Brahman:

Tasmai sa ha uvaacha: =  To him, he (Pippalada) said: 


Etad vai, Satyakama, brahma =  O Satyakama, this very Brahman, 

param cha aparam = both the higher (superior) and the lower (inferior),   

yad omkaarah; =  is but this Omkar. (It is the nearest symbol for God).



tasmaat vidvaan =  Therefore, the illumined soul, 

etena eva aayatanena = with the aid of this means alone, (i.e. Om Upasana) 

ekataram anveti. = attains either of the two. 




This mantram is like the “Contents” for the rest of the chapter. I It gives the overview of 

the Rishi’s answer. The remarks about the two types of seekers applies here: 


 Omkara Upasana can be done to attain both Saguna and Nirguna Brahman, as we 

have already mentioned above. 


 Again as already shown above, according to the goal desired, one attains either the  Saguna Brahman with form and attributes or the formless Nirguna Brahman without  any attributes: 

Saguna Brahman: Mantram 5.3 to 5.5 give the three lower or “inferior” levels of 

attainment possible with Om Upasana, namely, the Earth-plane, the intermediary plane and 

the heavenly planes.


Nirguna Brahman: Mantram 5.6 gives the higher or “superior” level of attainment, also 

attained by the same Om Upasana, but done with a different attitude and equipped with 

knowledge of the Self. Here the goal is the Supreme Brahman Itself, the highest goal held up 

by Vedanta. 

Mantram 5.7 is a quotation which summarises all these levels of attainment. 

Higher and Lower Brahman: 

The student is not expected to get confused that there are two Brahmans. The lower 

and the higher (Apara and Para), the conditioned and the unconditioned (Saguna and 

Nirguna), the finite and the Infinite are simply two levels from which the aspirant launches 

his journey to reach the same Brahman. 

Waves can be limited, but the ocean has no limitation. Similarly the lower is the 

stage where one still sees himself as a wave without knowing its relation to the ocean. The 

higher is where he has come to a correct understanding of the one ocean and seeks to 

become one with That. 

As one practises the Upasana of Om, the understanding builds up and the aspirant is 

led naturally from the former stage to the higher. In practice there is no hard and fast line 

dividing the two. As a name cannot be separated from what it stands for, so also Om cannot 

be separated from Brahman, for whom it is a name symbol. 

Guruji described the stage by stage journey as the ‘hopping stops’ one takes on a 

long flight, when the plane makes one or more intermediate stops along the way. Some 

passengers may not even get off the plane at such stops, some may alight and spend a while 

at the intermediate station before boarding the next plane to the final destination. And 

some may have chosen to get off at the intermediate airport, without any thought of going 

to the final destination. When they are ready for it, they will book the plane to get there. 

Guruji said this is the liberty available on “Omkar Airways” or Pranava Airlines! 

[Pranava is another name for Omkar.] Just as ordinary airlines provide different classes of 

travel for different prices, so also “Omkar Airways” can take the aspirant to different 

destinations, depending on the price (sacrifice) he is willing to pay! 



Mantram  5.3 - One Letter – Gift of Human Birth on Earth 




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