UPANISHAD MANDUKYA : Chapter-1. Agama Prakarana ( The Scriptural Treatise ) Sri Gaudapada's glossary begins : Karika Slokam-s 1 to 9. Slokam-2. Discussion-4. 25/09/2018


Mandukya Upanishad :

Chapter-1. Agama Prakarana ( The Scriptural Treatise )

Sri Gaudapada's glossary begins :

Karika Slokam-s 1 to 9.


"Daksinaksjasahi-mukhe visvo manasy-antastu taijasah,
akase ca hrdi prajnas-tridha dehe vyavasthitah."

daksina aksi mukke - ( is in the  ) right eye;
visvah - visva;
antah manasi - ( is ) within the mind;
tu - whereas;
taijasah - taijasa;
akase hrdi - ( is in the ) space within the heart;
ca prajnah - and prajna;
tridha - in three different ways;
dehe - in the body;
vyvasthitah - ( is ) placed.

"Visva works from the right eye, Taijasa from the mind, and Prajna from the heart-space. Thus, the one Self is conceived as working from the three headquarters as three distinct entities."


This is an instance where modern biologists get shocked by the seemingly false statements made by the great RISHI-S. But they must understand that the RISHI-S of Ancient were not, in any sense of the term, so ignorant as we understand them to be.

They had their own complete knowledge of anatomy of human beings and almost all the known sciences of the west were certainly known ton them. There are ample proofs in the great Upanishads to show that they knew even the gravitational force and a hundred other seemingly new scientific discoveries of the west.

And yet, if they say of something in the heart-space, it is not because they did not understand that even a bubble of air in the heart would kill the human being! They did not mean at all in the literal sense of 'the space in the heart'.

Heart stands for the seat of the humane and the divine qualities in human beings. Heart the seat of the sentiments, emotions, and the softer feelings such as kindness, love and mercy; while the head is the seat of logic and reason.

The great RISHI-S of Ancient Bharatham considered that the seat of true intellect is in the heart space! By saying so, they only meant that the reasoning capacity in the human beings must bubble up from an atmosphere of scintillating love, jovial tolerance and kindly patience.

A pure intellect devoid of the qualities of the heart is considered not only in the east but in the west too, as a villainous and killing instrument. Such a pure intellect, a data-mongering, fact-hunting intellect; negative and uncultured intellect in all its brutal violence is a soul killing self-poison. 

To be continued ...


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