KAIVALYA UPANISHAD : 6. Swami Advaitananda


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Friday, May 20, 2022. 20:30.

From the Atharva Veda (26 Mantras) : “The HOMOGENEITY of Brahman”


 Mantras 4b: Goal 2: The Road to Brahmaloka.

"yatayah shuddha satwah;

te brahmalokeshu paranta-kale

para-amrtatparimuchyanti sarve."


Translation :

4 yatayah shuddha satwah; = Goal 2: Those strivers who are pure in mind

5 te brahmalokeshu paranta-kale = they, in the end, gain the world of Brahma,

6 para-amrtatparimuchyanti sarve. = From there they gain the highest 

Immortality, liberating themselves from everything.


Commentary :

4-6 Goal 2 : 

This is the path to Krama Mukti outlined earlier. In this path the seeker is

well acquainted with the ultimate goal of Liberation as in Goal 1, but the means adopted for

the time being is the purification of his mind through good deeds and specific forms of

worship called Upasanas as prescribed in the scriptures. The seeker has not developed the

capacity for outright renunciation, so renunciation at this stage means giving up harmful,

sinful activities, and performing the acts of worship in order to reduce the Tamas and Rajas

in the mind. The objective is to ultimately prepare oneself for Self-knowledge in steps,

either later in life, or by aiming to go to the higher worlds (Brahmaloka is mentioned here)

and getting it there at the end of the Pralaya, i.e. end of Brahmaji’s lifetime.

In both the cases above, the final realization is the same – that of being freed

completely from the cycles of rebirths due to worldly life. Both seekers have recognized that

lasting happiness cannot be had in this world of sense objects. 


Next - Mantram 5: The Seat of Meditation

To be continued ....



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