PRASHNA UPANISHAD.9 - Rishi Pippalada.


#6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered”
##KABANDHI’S QUESTION : Query No 1: “Matter & Energy”
Sunday, August 28, 2022. 06:30. 

Mantram - 1.9 The Southern Path of “Return”

Samvatsarah vai prajaapatih tasya aayane dakshinam cha uttaram cha.

Tadye ha vai tad ishtaa-poorte kritam iti upaasate; 

Te chaandram asam eva lokam abhi-jayante ta eva punah aavartante,

tasmaad ete rishayah prajaakaamaa dakshinam pratipadyante;

Esha ha vai rayiryah pitruyaanah.


Translation :

1 Samvatsarah vai prajaapatih = The YEAR is indeed Prajapati;

2 tasya aayane dakshinam cha uttaram cha. = and there are two paths – the southern and the northern;

3 Tadye ha vai tad ishtaa-poorte kritam iti upaasate;  = Those who follow the ‘Path of Desire’ alone by the performance of sacrificial and pious acts,

4 Te chaandram asam eva lokam abhi-jayante  = obtain only the world of the Moon, i.e. the realm of transmigration,

5 ta eva punah aavartante,   = and certainly they do return here (get reborn).

6 tasmaad ete rishayah prajaakaamaa dakshinam pratipadyante;  = Therefore, those worshippers  who desire to have offspring, take this southern route.

7 Esha ha vai rayiryah pitruyaanah.  = For Matter (Rayi) is verily the ‘Path of the Forefathers’, i.e. of rebirth.


Commentary :

1-2 The concept of Time is here itself used as a simile for the Creator Prajapati. One 

year is taken to be Him, the Lord Prajapati. It is split into two portions, the northern and the 

southern paths. [There is a similar reference in the Bhagavad Geeta, Chap 8.] We have to 

remember that northern and southern directional paths are symbolic. The northern is also 

represented by the Sun; the southern by the Moon.


3-4 If our life’s focus is on the external manifested world, we are travelling the 

southern path. This is the path described in this verse. [The northern path is covered in the 

next mantram.

On the southern path are those who work only for their own material prosperity, 

and for the satisfaction of their desires. If they work for it, of course, they will get it. There is 

no surprise in that. We see many western countries having very advanced material lifestyles 

because they have worked hard for it. The gain is commensurate to the vision. The narrow 

vision with which such people work restricts them to a gain that is of this world only.


5 A hint is given out in the verse that such a path leads to one’s return to this world. 

The path trodden is not liberating, it is binding. There is no release from the bondage of 

birth and death. That will be explained further down at the appropriate time. Here it is 

hinted at only.


6-7 The southern path’s characteristic feature is described in these lines. Desire for 

offspring is the primary motivation to remain stuck in this path. Hence another name for this 

path is “Path of the Forefathers”. We see a stagnation of the spirit when man is restricted to 

this path. The Grihasthashram is the only Ashram to which these words can apply.



Mantram - 1.10 The Northern Path of “No Return”

To be continued ...



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