KATHA UPANISHAD - 16. Swami Advayananda.



Tuesday, December 20,  2022, 06:30.

Chapter 1.Section-1: (29 Mantras) : The story of Nachiketas in the House of Death

(“A Leap Into the Beyond”) :  Bhashyam by Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya ji.


Chapter-1, Section-1.


Mantram - 1.1.17: The Fruits of Sacrificial Fire Worship



Mantram - 1.1.17: The Fruits of Sacrificial Fire Worship

1 Tri-naachiketah = Yama: “One who does the ‘Nachiketas Fire’ three times; 

 tri-bhih etya sandhim = who gets connected with the ‘three’;

2 tri-karma-krit  = and who undertakes the three kinds of work –

 tarati janma-mrityoo; =  he crosses or overcomes birth and death.

3 brahmaja-jnam = The omniscient Fire (i.e. the world) born of Brahman, 

 devam eedyam viditvaa =  which is bright and adorable, when one understands

4 nichaayya imam = and realizes the fruits (of this sacrificial Fire),

 shaantim atyantam eti.= then he attains everlasting peace (the heavenly worlds).


Bhashyam (Vyakyanam ) :

In this mantram the Phala or fruit of Fire sacrifices is being given. This accords with the 

normal Upanishadic style, and the description of the sacrifice may read like a riddle today.

1-2 The number ‘3’ plays an important role in these rites and rituals.

i) Trinachiketah: This can be taken to mean two things:

a. One who has performed the ‘Nachiketas Fire’ three times; or,

b. One who studies it, who possesses knowledge of it, and who performs it.


ii) Tribhih Sandhim: “Connection with the Three” could have these three meanings: 

a. The three influences on a person – mother, father and Guru;

b. The three means of knowledge – direct perception, inference and the scriptures.

c. Sri Shankaracharyaji’s meaning – Vedas, Smritis and the utterances of the wise;

Whichever meaning one takes, the idea is that there has to be some authoritative 

source of information used in executing any project to achieve something.


iii) Trikarmakrit: One who undertakes the three kinds of Karma enjoined upon every 

Brahmana householder – a. Yajna (sacrifice); b. Dana (charity); and c. Tapas (austerity such 

as the chanting of the Vedas).


3 Brahmaja-jnam: Firstly, Brahmaja means “born of Brahman”, i.e. the sacrificial 

Fire which is born from Brahman; Brahmaja-Jnam would then mean “the knower of such a 

Fire”. Fire could represent the world, which is born from Brahman. There is another name 

for sacrificial Fire used in the Vedas – it is “Jaatavedah”.

In Indian culture all knowledge is respected. A person who has mastered the 

knowledge of sacrificial Fire is adored and respected for his knowledge in this field.


4 This fruit does not refer to God-realisation, but to the attainment of heavenly 

worlds as taught in the Upasana Kanda. The peace of mind enjoyed is relative, not absolute.

Heaven is more peaceful than Earth. This is the level of the peace being described.


Mantram - 1.1.18: Glorification of Sacrificial Fire Worship
To be continued



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