KATHA UPANISHAD - 30. Swami Advayananda.


Tuesday,  27  Jun,  2023, 06:15.

Chapter 1.Section - 2 : ( 25 Mantras ) : THE CHOICE :

(“A Leap Into the Beyond”) :  Bhashyam by Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya ji.





Mantram - 1.2.1: The Choice Available to All Men



Chapter 1.

Section - 2 : ( 25 Mantras ) : 


THIS CHAPTER IS DOMINATED by a discussion on the choice that is available to men 

living in this world. At every moment man is free to make a choice between the two paths 

known as Preyas and Sreyas, the pleasant path and the good path. Lord Yama leads the 

discussion, following his satisfaction at seeing Nachiketas successfully pass his severe test in 

the last chapter.

Having tested the disciple, and found his fitness for knowledge, Lord Yama speaks 

the following words to Nachiketas :



Mantram - 1.2.1: The Choice Available to All Men

Lord Yama said:

Anyat shreyah  =  One is preferable (good or Sreyas), while 

anyat uta eva preyah te  =  the other is pleasurable (pleasant or Preyas);

ubhe naanaa arthe  =  These two, serving divergent purposes, 

purusham sineetah; =  bind man.

tayoh shreyah aada-  =  Among these two, he that accepts the preferable

daanasya saadhu bhavati  =  becomes blessed.

heeyate arthaat yah u  =  Deviated from the true goal of life is 

preyah vrineete.  =   he who selects the pleasurable.


The Two Paths – Sreyas and Preyas :

Preyas is that which is ‘pleasurable’, whilst Sreyas is that which is ‘preferable’. 

These two are divergent paths presented before every person at every moment of his life.

One has constantly to choose between these two paths. There is a fork on the road ahead at 

every moment of the journey through Life.

Our Choice: One has to CHOOSE between these two paths. That choice is one’s 

own, for better or for worse. No one else is responsible for that choice. Every person builds 

his destiny by making this choice, moment to moment.

As we progress into this chapter we shall see more details of what differentiates the 

two paths. 


Here in the introductory verse the end results are indicated for each path: The 

Sreyas Path leads one to the ultimate good; whereas the Preyas Path leads to one’s downfall 

from the true purpose of life. The how and the why will follow.

At the outset we note that Yama does not use the words ‘good’ and ‘bad’ for the 

paths themselves, but only for the results in the light of the spiritual evolution of man. The 

good and bad are in the eyes of the person who chooses. In the eyes of most people Preyas 

is seen as ‘good’ and therefore gets chosen. The end results, however, are what count. 

Preyas, in terms of one’s evolution towards a higher, nobler goal, definitely brings bad if not 

devastating results. It binds us endlessly in sorrow.

How this happens is the subject of this chapter. We shall also discuss the nature of 

the Self, insofar as it matters in making the correct choice of selecting the Path of Sreyas.



Mantram - 1.2.2: Discrimination Between the Two

To be continued



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