Commentary on the Isavasya Upanishad - 9.


Monday, 11 Sep 2023. 06:40.




Mantram - 12.

"Andham tamah pravisanti ye'sambhutim upasate |

tato bhuya iva te tamo ya u sambhutym ratah" ||12||



"Those who worship the Unmanifested, enter into blinding darkness; but those who are devoted to the Manifest, enter into greater darkness."



Now, in view to the combining of the worship of the Avyakrita (Prakriti) and manifested Brahman, each in itself is denounced. “Asambhutih” is what is not Sambhutih or that which is born of another; hence unborn Prakriti. This again is ignorance, cause of all, known as Avyakrita. Those who worship this Prakriti, known as Avyakrita, ignorance which is the cause of all. the seed of all desire and Karma, and mere blindness in its nature, fall into corresponding or answering darkness which is blindness in its nature; and they who worship the Karya Brahman named Hiranyagarbha fall into even greater darkness.


To be continued



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