The Mundakoupanishad : Post-39. - Swami Krishnananda.

Chinmaya Mission 

Swami Brahmananda orchestrated a Gita Jnana Yajna in Kannada, centered on the theme "Knowledge is Life," drawing from the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita. This enlightening event took place at Bunts Hall in Vijayanagar, Bengaluru and was inaugurated by Sri Murlidhar Hegde, the esteemed President of Bunts Sangha.

During the Yajna, Swamiji emphasized the importance of deriving inspiration and practical lessons from each shloka of the Bhagavad Gita, integrating them into our daily lives. The core message of the Bhagavad Gita is to unveil the truth that true peace and happiness cannot be found in the external world but lie within our own true nature. Misunderstandings and strained relationships arise from the delusions and misinterpretations surrounding concepts of 'I' and 'Mine.' True liberation (Moksha) is not the escape from bondage but the realization that bondage itself is illusory.

Swamiji urged us to face life's challenges with equanimity, living in the present without dwelling on the past or future, and surrendering our ego to live in harmony with our surroundings. This way, we can perceive the divine in all and lead a purposeful life.

Additionally, Swamiji presided over the Paduka Puja of Bhagavan Veda Vyas and Pujya Gurudev on August 6, 2023, in observance of Guru Poornima and Gurudev Aradhana. The Yajna was a resounding success, attended by numerous devoted individuals


Thursday, 14 Sep 2023. 06:30.

Chapter-2, Section-2.

Mantram-11: {All-pervasiveness of Brahmam }




"Brahmai-vedam amrtam purastad brahma, 

pascad brahma, dakshinatas cottarena, 

adhas'-cordhvam ca prasrtam 

brahmai-vedam visvam idam varishham."



Where is this eternal Brahman? How far is it from us? It is this eternal, immortal Brahman that is shining in front of us. It is this eternal Brahman that is at the back of us. It is this eternal Brahman that is to our right side. It is this eternal Brahman that is to our left side. It is this very Brahman that is above. It is this very Brahman that is below. Everywhere it is spreading itself out, and the whole universe is its radiance.

Brahmai-vedam visvam idam varishham: 

The plenum of felicity, which is Bhuma, the Absolute, manifests itself as this plenum of this world. All the light, and all the joy, and all the perfection that we apparently see in things in this world are little titbits.

Matram upajivanti (B.U. 4.3.32), says the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. 

We can imagine how many joys there are in this world. We can count them all. We can enumerate all the millions and millions of avenues of joy that can be experienced in this world, and we can enumerate the most intense form of joy that we can experience in this world, but all this put together is only a jot, a spoonful, as it were, of the Brahman bliss. Matra: It is less than a spoonful, and the whole universe of joy is sustained by that little drop of Brahman bliss. It is that bliss that is sustaining us. If joy were not to be in this world, who would be able to live in this world even for a few minutes? If joy were not to be there in breathing, who would breathe? If joy were not to be there in mere existence, who would like to exist? There is joy in this very space itself; otherwise, we will not feel happy by finding accommodation in space.

We will find this Brahman manifest from all directions in various shapes and forms causing us, bringing about before us, sources of joy. There is nothing in this world which cannot give us happiness some time or the other. There are things in this world which are objects of our neglect. We do not consider their existence at all. There are so many trees in the forest. What does it matter to us? Let them be there. There is so much water is flowing in the Ganga, but it does not matter to us. There are so many hills; what does it matter? They do matter. A time will come, a condition will arise in which we will find that even a straw will give us support when we are drowning in the flood of this world. A mouse saved a lion, and a straw can protect us. There is nothing that cannot protect us, cannot sustain us, cannot give us joy and support some time or the other, in one condition or the other, because of the fact that Brahman is spread out in all things.





To be continued



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