KATHA UPANISHAD - 22. Swami Advayananda.

Chinmaya Mission :
Religion VS Spirituality


Sunday, March 19,  2023, 07:00.

Chapter 1.Section-1: (29 Mantras) : The story of Nachiketas in the House of Death

(“A Leap Into the Beyond”) :  Bhashyam by Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya ji.


Chapter-1, Section-1.


Mantram - 1.1.23: Test 2 : Limitless Wealth & Lordlines



Mantram - 1.1.23: Test 2 : Limitless Wealth & Lordlines (With Translation )

Yama says to Nachiketas, by way of temptation :

Shataayushah   =  Guaranteed to be centenarians –

putra-pautraan vrineeshva  =  such sons and grandsons you may choose;

bahoon pashoon hasti   =  Choose herds and herds of cattle and elephants, 

hiranyam ashvaan;  =   any amount of gold, any number of horses;

bhoomeh mahat   =  From this vast Earth (over which I rule),

aayatanam vrineeshva  =  choose an estate of any size;

svayam cha jeeva  =   and for yourself a long life consisting of

sharadah yaavat icchhasi.  =  as many autumns (years) as you like.


Bhashyam (Vyakyanam) :

Yama now tries tempting the boy through material comforts and lordliness – things which are usually looked upon as very covetable; as the best security in this world.

Domestic Security: Yama offers a nice big family, with many children who would 

live for long, and thereby maintain his fame for decades to come. Unimaginable domestic

security is offered to Nachiketas.

Material Security: Yama offers any amount of wealth in terms of possessions. Such 

are the things which most people seek and ask for in their prayers to the Lord daily. In those 

days wealth was measured in terms of cattle, elephants and horses; in addition to gold and 

gemstones. This represents.

Property Security: Yama, the Ruler over the whole of Earth, offers lordliness in 

abundance. Nachiketas could own a huge estate if he chooses to. He would have all the 

property security needed. 

Life Security: Yama nbow throws into the bargain something which only a life 

insurance company will find displeasing! He assures Nachiketas a long life; he promises not 

to snatch him prematurely away from this earth-plane. He will come only when Nachiketas 

reaches a ripe old age. A full life-span is guaranteed to him – who will not be pleased with 

such an offer? 

Yama waits eagerly to see how Nachiketas would respond to all these tempting 

offers. Nachiketas does not bat even an eyelid – he seems to have no interest in them. Is it 

possible for so young a boy, at the threshold of life and faced with a dream future, to be so 

indifferent to it? Yama can hardly believe that such heroic boys can exist on earth.

He now pulls out his trump-card to shake off the idea from Nachiketas’s mind . . 


1.1.24: Test 3: Power & Enjoyership Added
To be continued



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