PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 21. - Rishi Pippalada.

Chinmaya Mission :

The 7th Annual International Diabetes Summit organized by The Chellaram Diabetes Institute (CDI) was graced by the presence of Pujya Swami Swaroopananda, who gave the inaugural address. 

The Summit 2023 is part of CDI’s efforts to tackle the escalating problem of Diabetes in our midst. With the best-in-class speakers from the leading global Diabetes Institutions – accompanied by accomplished Indian experts – this conference helps bring the latest and the best practices in Diabetes care to Clinicians treating people with Diabetes.

Pujya Swami Swaroopananda ji launched The Chronicle of Diabetes Research and Practice - a flagship open-access journal with a focus to address the unique challenges in Diabetology by publishing articles covering all areas of Diabetes & its complications, and related disorders.
In his inaugural address Pujya 

Swamiji began his address by acknowledging the efforts of the Chellaram Diabetes Institute in organizing the summit. He spoke about the need for medical professionals to adopt a spiritual outlook when dealing with diseases such as diabetes. He spoke about the tremendous power that an attitude of openness has in finding cures for diseases that were once thought impossible to cure. He encouraged the medical community to keep an open mind and embrace new ideas and technologies that can help in the fight against diabetes.

Pujya Swamiji concluded his address by emphasizing the need for a holistic approach to diabetes management and the importance of addressing the mental and emotional well-being of patients, in addition to their physical health.

Pujya Swami Swaroopananda was felicitated by Mr. Lal L. Chellaram, the founder of Chellaram Diabetes Institute.


#6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered”


Query No 2:

“The Supremacy of Power”


Sunday, March , 2023. 06:40. 

Mantram - 2.6 ii) Prana as All Knowledge & Administration :



Mantram - 2.6 ii) Prana as All Knowledge & Administration :

Araa iva ratha naabhau,  =  As spokes attached to the hub of a wheel,

praane sarvam pratishthitam;  =  everything is fixed in Prana.

Rik, yajumshi, saamaani,  =  As the Rig, Yajur and Sama Vedas, Prana is all

yajnah, kshatram, brahma cha.  =   activities, administration, and knowledge. 


Bhashyam (Vyakyanam) :

1 Here the sage tells us that on Prana everything in the universe is pegged. All these 

are like spokes in a wheel which are centred at the hub, and that hub is Prana. The entire 

management of all living beings is centred in Prana.

What Are Fixed in Prana?

2 Firstly, the Rig, Yajur and Sama Veda Mantras represent respectively the metrical, 

prose and musical compositions found in the Vedas. This implies the whole body of Vedic 

knowledge has Prana as its source. The meaning of this is that the Vedas, which are Eternal 

in nature, existing even when the worlds have dissolved, are manifested as sound when the 

worlds re-manifest after dissolution. Prana plays the vital role in this manifestation of the 


Yajnas represent the Vaishyas who perform all the actions (sacrifices or rituals) to 

provide the fruits that man desires. Kshatram represents the Kshatriyas who protect human 

society by administering laws and governing people. Brahma represents the Brahmanas 

who possess the knowledge of the Vedas which is needed by the other two groups for 

properly carrying out their respective functions. The Sudras are included under these three

categories of functions since they serve them. Thus the entire functioning of all sectors of 

human society is possible only due to Prana.

The Concept of Prana Unfolds :

From our study of Tattva Bodha, we know that Prana is born from the Rajasic aspect 

of the total Tanmatras or all the subtle elements. By this definition, Prana would be 

classified as “inert”, just as the mind and intellect are considered as being inert. Yet, it is 

described to be so great that everything is “fixed in it”.

From our present knowledge in this text, we can thus only deduce that Prana must 

be the dynamic Power or Shakti of the Supreme Brahman. Without Prana it would not be 

possible to support Life in the universe. Prana is the essential ingredient without which 

there can be no Life. The next mantram takes this point further…


Mantram - 2.7 iii) Prana as All Living Creatures
To be continued



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