PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 25. - Rishi Pippalada.


#6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered”


Query No 2:

“The Supremacy of Power”


Thursday, May 04, 2023. 07:30.

Mantram - 2.10 vi) Prana as the Giver of Rain



Mantram - 2.10 vi) Prana as the Giver of Rain :


Yadaa tvam abhivarshah,   =  When you cause rain to shower down,

yatha imaah praana te prajaah;  =  then, O Prana, these creatures of yours


Anandaroopaah tishthanti  =  sit delighting in your glory, hoping that there 

kaamaaya annam bhavishyateeti.  =  will be as much food as they desire!


The glorification of Prana takes yet another turn: this time it is seen as the benevolent Giver of all our needs. “Rain” symbolises everything needed by man to sustain himself.


The Bestower of All Needs :


Our good deeds please Him greatly and He sends down His blessing in a shower of 

rain. “Rain” need not be taken literally. It can refer to all the bounties that Nature provides 

us with to live a contented, happy life. The onset of the rainy season is marked by joyous 

festivities in the community. It fills the hearts of people with much-needed enthusiasm to 

work hard to sow the seeds that will bring fruit in its own time.


When the rains come down, it is a delight to all living beings. Everyone rejoices.

They are relieved of the oppressive heat of the sun. They give Him another round of 

enthusiastic praise!

The pleasant showers also bring with it a great promise of rich rewards. All life rejoices because there will now be plenty of food for everyone. Guruji was exuberant in capturing this aspect of the mantram :


The cooling, refreshing rain is welcomed by everyone. On that first day of the 

Monsoons, children come out and play in the puddles of water. The birds are more vocal in 

their songs. Elephants trumpet out their joy. All life is celebrating. Farmers are delighted and 

look forward to a bumper crop – “as much food as they desire”! The picture painted is 

awesome, touching on the common joy felt by all living beings.


The “Water of Life”, meaning the joy of life, depends on the rains sent by Prana. 

The earth delights to ‘feel’ the flow of fresh heaven-sent rains. It does not feel the same joy 

when ‘sterile’ dammed water flows through it in canals. There is a special feeling when it 

comes directly from above! 


The politicians especially express their joy. Now they can tell the people, “See how much has been produced during our tenure in office!”  So quick to snatch all the glory!

Mantram - 2.11 vii) Prana – the “Un-Baptised One”
To be continued



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