TAITTIRIYA UPANISHAD – 28. Rishi Yajnavalkya.


Sunday, 14 May,  2023. 08:25.







Meditaion on OM :

OM IS THE MOST powerful Upasana offered by the Upanishads. It covers all the 

other Upasanas. The ultimate Upasana taught by the Rishis of yore is that of repeating the 

sound symbol, OM, written as :

Om brings the mind to the very portals of supreme Bliss

and spiritual realization.

Om is the basic sound of the universe. The Gayatri Mantra comes from Om. 

Everything, not just sound, is considered to be Om at the Paramarthik level of Reality. 


Mantram - 1.8.1: Upasana on the Mystic Syllable “Om”

om iti brahma;   =  The sacred sound “Om” is Brahman.

om iti idam sarvam  = All This (this entire universe) is the syllable Om.



Om is the sound symbol of the Supreme Brahman, i.e. it is an Alambana for 

Brahman, even though it is only a word.

In the Bhashya link, it says that when Om is repeated it becomes a Sadhana to attain 

Brahman. Depending on the attitude with which the repetition is done, through Om one can 

reach either the highest Brahman, the Supreme Reality; or Hiranyagarbha, the Total Mind. 

The former needs total selflessness and full knowledge and awareness of the Self during 

repetition. The latter is attained when one-pointed repetition alone is there but not 

accompanied by knowledge of the Self.



Mantram - 1.8.2: Om Stuti – the Glorification & Uses of OM

To be continued



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