PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 26. - Rishi Pippalada.

Swami Chinmayananda :

The role of the mother is central. That is how great men of the past were made — a Shivaji, an Einstein, a Tagore, a Mahatma Gandhi. It is always the mother at home who gives the values and ideals to the child, who molds the mental thinking of the child. In molding their children, mothers have the opportunity to positively influence the mothers and fathers of the future. It is crucial for us all to recognise the importance of the mothers' role. The children of today are going to be the leaders of tomorrow. And we must supply them with a vision.

Happy Mothers' Day!

Tag your mother or a woman who has shaped you, nurtured you into a beautiful being!


#6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered”


Query No 2:

“The Supremacy of Power”


Monday, May 15, 2023. 06:30.

Mantram - 2.11 vii) Prana – the “Un-Baptised One”



Mantram - 2.11 vii) Prana – the “Un-Baptised One”

Vraatyah tvam praana,  =  O Prana, thou art a Vratya (an un-baptised one);

 ekarshih attaa,  =   thou art the sacred fire (Ekarshi) that ‘eats’ everything;

 vishvasya sat-patih;  =  thou art the good Lord of the whole world;

Vayam aadyasya daataarah;  =  We are only giving Thy own ‘food’ back to Thee.

pitaa tvam maatarishva nah.  =  O Divine Being, thou indeed art our Father. 


Swami Chinmayananda :

The Geeta Mother.... the Universal Religion of Geeta, is the one to whom the children of any age can always confidently turn to, expecting nothing but total forgiveness and complete love, even after a million outrageous acts which the individuals​ might have committed.


It is truly remarkable to just see how imaginative the Rishi is in finding an unending 

string of aspects to pour out his glorification of Prana. There is no end to Prana’s glory!

Here, in the seventh and final aspect of Prana, we have an unusual addition to that family of 


The “Un-Baptised One”

Vraatya : “uncultured, raw, barbaric, uncouth”. 

This is normally not a good word to use. It has bad connotations to it. It is like 

referring to someone as a person without any good upbringing. To avoid this insulting 

connotation, Pujya Gurudev euphemistically translates it as “the un-baptised one”.

When applied to the Prana, it actually turns out to be a compliment. How?

Prajapati is the first-born. If He is first born then who is there to train or baptize 

Him? And if He is first born how can He have any impurity to be removed from Him by 

baptism? Refinement is only needed for one who is impure, dirty. Prajapati is in no need of 

that as He is Purity itself.

Therefore, only He can be called a Vraatya without it being an insult!


There is a fire called Ekarshi into which any oblations can be offered, and they get 

consumed by it. Similarly, whatever we offer to Prana is accepted by Him, as it is His only. 

Guruji gave the example of how, on Father’s Day, a child takes money from his father 

only to buy him his own present.

Guruji also recounted how in Pujya Gurudev’s time people who came to visit him 

used to pluck flowers from the Ashram itself to give to him as an offering. Gurudev, 

obviously knowing the Ashram garden quite well, used to remark, “You have got this from 

my garden only, is it not?”


“the Lord of all that exists”. Sat is what exists; and Patih means ‘father’.

Maatarishva Nah: (8th case, Vocative)“O Wind-God, you are our Father.”

Alternatively, it can be translated as : 

Maatarishvanah : (6th case, Possessive) “of Wind” – You are the Father of Wind.



Mantram - 2.12 Prayer to Prana – 1 

To be continued



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