KATHA UPANISHAD - 35. Swami Advayananda.

Chinmaya Mission 

Swami Sharadananda, the Mukhya Acharya of the course, led the Gurupaduka puja, invoking the blessings of the Guruparampara at the start of the inaugural ceremony for the course. 

The commencement was graced by the presence of Prof. N.K. Sundareswaran, Chairman of the Sanskrit Department at Calicut University, and Swami Advayananda. 

Both dignitaries spoke eloquently about the significance of the Puja and rituals in the Sanatan culture and how it enriches our lives, elevating it to the Divine.

Pen drives containing discourses on 'Adoration of the Mother by Swami Sharadananda' and 'Panchadasi Chapter 8’ by Swami Advayananda were released by Swami Advayananda and Prof. N.K. Sundareswaran respectively, to commemorate the course launch. 

The inaugural copies of the two pen drives were presented to Prof. Sundareswaran and Br. Mukund Chaitanya respectively, to honor the auspicious occasion.

The ceremony concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks by Camp Coordinator Sri Abin, followed by the Chinmaya Mission Pledge. Thus, over 36 eager and enthusiastic learners from 7 different countries began their journey of devotion and discovery!


Monday, 21 Aug 2023 06:00.

Chapter 1. Section - 2: (25 Mantras): THE CHOICE:

(“A Leap into the Beyond”):  Bhashyam by Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya ji.

Post - 35.


Mantram - 1.2.6: Preyas: A False Vision

Na saam-paraayah  =   The means for the attainment of the ‘long-term goal’

prati-bhaati baalam  =  are not revealed to those who have a ‘short-term goal’; 

pramaadyantam vitta- =  nor to the ignorant who by wealth

mohena moodham;   =   and the glamour accompanying it, are deluded.

ayam lokah na asti parah  = “Only this world, and none hereafter”

iti maanee  = – he who think in this manner,

punah punah  = again and again

vasham aapadyate me. = he falls under my (Yama’s) sway.



Saamparaaya: “scripturally approved means to attain the heavenly worlds”. Such 

knowledge is not taught to one who is short-sighted like a child. 

Baalah: “a child”. Child in this context refers to one who has a short-term goal and is 

not able to see the benefit of working towards the long-term goal. Children are attracted to 

the pleasure that comes immediately, not to that which takes time time in coming. If a child 

were shown a chocolate in one hand and a thousand-rupee note in the other, it would 

choose the chocolate which he knows can bring him immediate pleasure, and not the 

unfamiliar piece of ‘paper’, which he knows not and which brings its fruit in the future.

In addition, Baalah refers to a person who does not have the power to discriminate.

The rewards of Sreyas are long-term; impatient people cannot even see them, so 

they do not want it, and never get it. The word Pramaada comes up here, as in Viveka 

Chudamani. It means “inadvertence”. Preyas-people are totally inadvertent as to their real 

well-being. Being attached to quick results and ephemeral objects, they are engulfed in the 

delusion of wealth which buys them instantly. Petty, paltry pleasures obtainable with money

– drink, food and women – are all it takes to make them happy. 

Devotees of Preyas believe strongly that what they see in this world is all that there 

is; they find no need to speculate on the existence of an invisible God. Let alone God, even 

heaven is out of the question for such people.

Punah Punah: “again and again” i.e. “birth after birth”. These people, who have 

such a low vision of life, what fate befalls them? They get dragged into this earth-plane birth 

after birth, i.e. they have to repeatedly encounter Lord Yama or Death; they are always 

under the sway or control of Death.




Mantram -1.2.7: Wonder Teacher & Wonder Disciple

To be continued



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